dj1200 posted...
How are you doing?
How is it going with your desired gender/s?
Any goals or hopes for February?
1 My life is pretty difficult. You might as well stop whining and drop dead already, or just do your best. There's no point in sitting around feeling bad or depressed in either case. Venting is one thing, but I can't stand complainers. If you're loathing around then just knock it off already.
2 Single, but I'm working on it. I did a lot to improve my looks, I've been hitting the gym routinely for 4+ months now, and improving things like my haircut, facial hair. I bought some new clothes. I think I look pretty good now. There is at least one girl at my workplace that I want to try my luck with, and if not will find other places. Being a gamefaqs poster my prospects aren't looking good right off the bat.
3 I am working on an indie game with my brother and am committed to finishing it if it kills me. I am a good software engineer/story writer, and he's a great artist.
Early 30s is the point in time in your life for a lot of people when you realize you're a total fuckup and need to do everything you possibly can to not die alone in poverty.