How are you all doing in this fourth week of January?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » How are you all doing in this fourth week of January?
  1. How are you doing?
  2. How is it going with your desired gender/s?
  3. Any goals or hopes for February?

Im doing OK, Ive been going to local casinos and losing some money, but oh well. Ive been playing Baccarat.

Relationship is going ok. Work is alright.

no big hopes or goals for February. Maybe save the money for another day trip with my gf.
"It was so ridiculous and I have so many feelings about it."
-Virtual Energies
Doing fine, just working and chilling on my days off. Not looking for a relationship, no goals for february.
You're a screws-loose boozer, an only one-star reviews-er
You're a power bottom at rock bottom, but you got company
1. Good
2. What?
3. Stay employed

dj1200 posted...
Maybe save the money for another day trip with my gf.

Those are the best! Look into a room with a jacuzzi
When you are playing baccarat do you wear a nice tuxedo like James Bond
try to take the best of me go away
  1. I'm alive
  2. I'm still single
  3. No
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
dj1200 posted...
this fourth week of January

I was going to correct you, but oh God it is, isn't it?

Father Time is fucking with me again.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
1. Still anxious, but slightly better than early Jan.
2. Single.
3. Successfully switch jobs.
Genshin Showcase:
dj1200 posted...
How are you doing?
How is it going with your desired gender/s?
Any goals or hopes for February?
1 My life is pretty difficult. You might as well stop whining and drop dead already, or just do your best. There's no point in sitting around feeling bad or depressed in either case. Venting is one thing, but I can't stand complainers. If you're loathing around then just knock it off already.

2 Single, but I'm working on it. I did a lot to improve my looks, I've been hitting the gym routinely for 4+ months now, and improving things like my haircut, facial hair. I bought some new clothes. I think I look pretty good now. There is at least one girl at my workplace that I want to try my luck with, and if not will find other places. Being a gamefaqs poster my prospects aren't looking good right off the bat.

3 I am working on an indie game with my brother and am committed to finishing it if it kills me. I am a good software engineer/story writer, and he's a great artist.

Early 30s is the point in time in your life for a lot of people when you realize you're a total fuckup and need to do everything you possibly can to not die alone in poverty.
I'm superb at the moment going out to the mall more ofttimes when I am bored to tears with the culture slowdown. I'm staying away from the drama of the latter so I can think about what opportunities I can do if by myself, since my friends are sitting back. I'm going to work overtime next month to make more money to travel again.
The best preacher is the heart; the best teacher is time; the best book is the world; the best friend is God. - Talmud
Well enough, but I know things will get worse.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
GGuirao13 posted...
Well enough, but I know things will get worse.
Why what happened
  1. How are you doing?
  2. How is it going with your desired gender/s?
  3. Any goals or hopes for February?

  1. Not good, my mom is very distraught over a new cancer diagnosis and I'm very sad as a result
  2. Neutral as A
  3. Continuing with my Steam backlog... live in perpetual fear of death
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
I'm doing good. Still thawing out from a run this morning.

Doing great with my wife and got to enjoy a kids free day off for MLK Jr Day yesterday. That was so nice to relax with her.

My only goals are to do a better job of handling myself when my kids are being irritating.
For this time I'm kinda upset because I got jury duty coming around these next few weeks and I HATE doing Jury Duty.
Trancer_Hunter posted...
For this time I'm kinda upset because I got jury duty coming around these next few weeks and I HATE doing Jury Duty.

Tell them you believe in Jury Nullification, they'll never invite you back again.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Damn_Underscore posted...
When you are playing baccarat do you wear a nice tuxedo like James Bond
Hahaha. I should.
"It was so ridiculous and I have so many feelings about it."
-Virtual Energies
5th week of January.

chinese new year next week. The casinos will probably be packed.
"It was so ridiculous and I have so many feelings about it."
-Virtual Energies
Unless Im at work, things are going well.

I don't even have a pla-
GGuirao13 posted...
Well enough, but I know things will get worse.
@GGuirao13 why what happened
Damn_Underscore posted...
When you are playing baccarat do you wear a nice tuxedo like James Bond
hahaha, i wish. maybe i should start doing that. just lost 400 last weekend. but I won 300 the day before so it was a 100 net loss.
"It was so ridiculous and I have so many feelings about it."
-Virtual Energies
1. Going good, work is becoming manageable. Had a weekend trip to Ireland which was nice.

2. Very good. Got engaged on said weekend trip.

3. Find better work life balance, make some healthier decisions. Get my money (well the money I want to use soon for a house purchase) out of the US before it crashes.
grimhilde00 posted...
1. Going good, work is becoming manageable. Had a weekend trip to Ireland which was nice.

2. Very good. Got engaged on said weekend trip.

3. Find better work life balance, make some healthier decisions. Get my money (well the money I want to use soon for a house purchase) out of the US before it crashes.

"It was so ridiculous and I have so many feelings about it."
-Virtual Energies
Poll of the Day » How are you all doing in this fourth week of January?