Anime, Manga, VN, JRPG, Related Things Discussion Topic CIII

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Anime, Manga, VN, JRPG, Related Things Discussion Topic CIII
it's the year of the snake, post your cutest snakegirls
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
would it be considered nudity if the snake girl had tits, because it's technically their skin, but there's no nipples because why would there be, and they don't tend to wear clothes because, again, snake person
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
since we're under fandom's thumb now, i would hold off on any female-presenting nipples
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
what if the image itself is from a fandom website
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
Can't really think of any cute snake girls. :(

The snake zodiac in Granblue doesn't feel very snakey.
obligatory alice from monster girl quest
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
I caught up with the end of the Wano arc in One Piece. Took me too long to realize why it was getting on my nerves besides just being too long and dragged out. It was missing comedy and the tone was too serious. Then it went straight up Looney Tunes lol. I'm a bit disappointed at how the arc ended, but I did like some of it. I'm bummed that we ended up adding neither Carrot nor Yamato. Luffy's new fruit power was pretty fun, but the fight with Kaido was tainted by being so ridiculously drawn out, plus using it to showcase the new power. I really hope the next arc is shorter and more concise.
in the manga it was all comedy leading up to that
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
Also, Queen was the worst most annoying character. Just a shit show from his first time on screen to his last.
Damn, ultimate warrior is no joke in dynasty warriors origins. Almost died to the first officer I fought, a freakin bandit chief. Just went through and did 3 missions challenges. Got red hare which was so hard and the rank 8 halberd which I made way harder on myself until I realized I can leave the fight with Lu Bu to go save yuan shao and then come back and still get it. I actually lost the first time I got it to a random officer later and of course there was no check point so had to do it all again. First mission I did was the first one with a challenge, one of the yellow turban ones where I had to capture all bases and win in 9 minutes and I won in 8:58. Having a great time. I wonder how much easier ultimate warrior will be if I max level. I'm level 65 currently, only a little way into the final skill tree.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
How was the new Ranma? It's been ages since I watched the original.
YoukaiSlayer posted...
I wonder how much easier ultimate warrior will be if I max level. I'm level 65 currently, only a little way into the final skill tree.
I haven't noticed a massive difference between 60's and 80's so far, compared to how huge milestones like new accessories and better battle arts are. It's gotta help but levelling gets so slow after 8.

Still haven't really tried for red hare but I got the dream battle unlocked and all regions' peace to max
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
I feel like getting a lot of the final skill tree and leveling up to about 75 has made a pretty big difference. I can generally one cycle officers that don't have courage boosts and don't instantly explode to 2 hits a row.

I've done every ultimate challenge in shu's route that gives guards, luan weapons, and battle arts (and of course red hare). The only interesting one I didn't do yet is hex mark from chibi because that mission was already a pain and I doubt I'll use it over red hare.

Halberd also goes kinda crazy. Valiant steed blitz turns you into a tactical nuke. Guaranteed break on any officer below 3 courage on ultimate warrior. It does more damage than an assault. Really big AoE and the horse call part knocks officers into the air even if they aren't vulnerable so you can just interrupt their combos/special arts/musou attacks/whatever. Oh and it also oneshots duels outright. That had been my key tool for the tougher missions. I'm in chapter 4 of Wu now after having finished Shu on my first playthrough. Hoping I encounter another Luan weapon soon. Currently have the 5 you can obtain after Shu's route (sword, spear, guantlets, wheels, halberd). I guess wheels was technically on wu route but it's before the route split.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
YoukaiSlayer posted...
Halberd also goes kinda crazy. Valiant steed blitz turns you into a tactical nuke. Guaranteed break on any officer below 3 courage on ultimate warrior. It does more damage than an assault. Really big AoE and the horse call part knocks officers into the air even if they aren't vulnerable so you can just interrupt their combos/special arts/musou attacks/whatever. Oh and it also oneshots duels outright.
plus it builds insane musou meter in large army fights. and musou on halberd means you're fucking invincible (and heal to full, with stuff from the last skill tree) and getting 4+ officer breaks off

it's as nutty as I'd hoped it'd be. I wish lu bu as a companion was a little more notable tho, I don't really notice him doing shit unless I'm getting a battle skill assist. he likes to sit on his horse too much
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Yeah, the companions in general feel pretty underwhelming. They need that ultimate warrior enemy AI to just start spamming moves.

Although every weapon is invincible during rage mode and heals to full with just a few hits. Rage mode OP. Only halberd gets the cool altered moveset though and the slow walk.

Also you mentioned slow leveling of weapons but it hasn't been too slow. If you really want to grind out quickly though do subjugation of yuan shu in chapter 4 and keep letting yuan shu rebuild the large force and then use ultimate musou to clear it out. Can pretty easily get 4k+ kills and tons of officer kills. Gave me 90k proficiency which is 90% of a rank. Also gets a ton of skill points but I'm sure you are already maxed on that.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
agesboy posted...
it's the year of the snake, post your cutest snakegirls
As an FGO player, I'll wait for some more Omi-san to save to my gallery.

But Medusa was always the original Fate snake girl.
I'm not lazy, I just don't care - Poll of the Day Discord server: vdCKttVS7K -
Best girl from battle through the heavens, Cai Lin. Other than her and alice and I can't think of too many snake girls.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
i read tokyo revengers

it's so bad, but it was kinda enjoyably bad, but that ending is just a complete fuck you ass pull and means actually nothing
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
bigger cutting mats, like a2, which is 24"x18", are about $30. a3 size, so 12"x18" are like $6.

i want an a1, which is 24"x36", now given the previous information you'd expect it to be significantly more expensive since the other one is like, three or four times the price for only a slight size increase? no, $36

now, the biggest, a0. 47"x36". maybe 40?

no, $100

see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
noone wants that size so they charge out the ass apparently

capitalism baby (editor's note: capitalism mostly sucks)
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Finished up the last route in dynasty warriors origins. I did shu first on hero then did wu and then wei on ultimate warrior. I've done all the ultimate warrior challenges on all wu and wei missions and like half the shu ones (all the ones with rewards that weren't coins, money, consumables, or rank 7 weapons). Annoyingly i missed yuan shao's 5th bond so I'll have to redo that section of wei's route and I haven't gone back to chapter 1 to get zhang jiao's bond but I have done all other bonds, got all areas to blue peace and beaten the dream battle. It was kinda funny in the part of the ending where they talk about what happens to you and stuff they mentioned he was known for his greatest feat in dream battle where he killed 4225 people. Somehow my greatest achievement was all in my head. I also got all weapons maxed out. I've mastered like 2/3rds of the battle arts, not sure I want to go through the trouble of mastering all of em.

I intend to go back and at least get the missing bonds and finish up all ultimate warrior challenges. Will probably only take one more day. It's been a great game.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
I have now 100%d dynasty warriors origins. Great game. I ended with a total kill count of 308,000. I think thats the most enemies I've manually (so like, not including katamari damacy where I rolled up the entire earth or other similar things) killed in a game by a lot.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
Currently watching Nageki no Bourei wa Intai shitai. It's ok, but I'm not a huge fan of the trope where the mc is mediocre, but is seen as being super competent in all things.
Watched a few more new anime.

Episode 1 of sakamoto days was pretty cool. I feel like it's a concept that will be hard to keep fresh by itself so I wonder what they'll introduce to keep interesting.

Also watched the 3 episodes of ishura season 2 and man I love this dumb show. It promises to be about cool fights between overpowered people that could easily be protags of villains of another show but in reality it's just got a ton of world building that I enjoy. The fights are quite bloody and fun when they happen but theres a lot of not fighting in the show as well. They've also really got me curious about the true demon king and whatever killed it. It's starting to be up there with questions like whats at the bottom of the abyss in made in abyss.

I've also caught up on all my donghua and I'm sad to have nothing of quality to binge. Quite glad mortal record's new season started up since it still probably has the best writing.

dragon504 posted...
Currently watching Nageki no Bourei wa Intai shitai. It's ok, but I'm not a huge fan of the trope where the mc is mediocre, but is seen as being super competent in all things.
Yeah, I dropped it for similar reasons but it wasn't awful or anything, just not my cup of tea.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
YoukaiSlayer posted...
Episode 1 of sakamoto days was pretty cool. I feel like it's a concept that will be hard to keep fresh by itself so I wonder what they'll introduce to keep interesting.

the manga is pretty decent still

but it's really just more of that
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
Also enjoying Dynasty Warriors Origins here, but I am making time for revisits of Fire Emblem Echoes and Etrian Odyssey Untold (Classic). Feels like I have more time to game again.
-- I Abibde / Samuraiter
Laughing at Game FAQs since 2002.
i started playing warriors orochi 3 after origins but man, I am still vibing so hard on origins

sure there's things it could have done way better but man. what a GOOD game. especially since they were testing the waters on this kind of thing

favorite map is the huarong pass wei ver. thought it'd suck and it did until liu bei's army entered the picture and that music started playing. LETS FUCKING GOOOO

everything about the wanderer was a mistake but most of the characterization was on point. damn they reinvented zhang jiao and dong zhuo and its great
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
After finishing Nageki no Bourei, I started watching the Yakuza romance anime from last season. Definitely a lot more interesting than Nageki.
The manga (and one manwa) I am reading are all still in progress.The two official Touhou ones running both look like they're getting close to the end. One I have been following that releases a chapter once every two to four months took a detour for the last year or two and finally circled its way back to its main plot and premise. Another manga I have been enjoying releases about four or five chapters once every year and a half before disappearing again, so that's been kind of annoying. Almost all of these stories, save for Touhou, are GL.

Anime-wise, I haven't been watching much of anything of late. I tried watching Akiba Maid Wars because it piqued my interest at first. Then it lost my interest not four episodes in, and I just looked up a full plot summary on the rest of the series. I liked the animation quality and how over-the-top it was, but the plot and characters made me feel like the writers could only bargain-bin some archetypes and contrived situations and call it a day.

I decided to replay DQXI, and try to finish it this time. I'm liking the characters and plot a little more this time around, and I'm not sure if it's because I have the audio set to Japanese or if I'm just more receptive to it this time around. The music is still unnecessarily loud; like I bring it down to the first level with everything else at around 3 or 4. Since I'm doing it on Steam, I'm using a trainer to at least cut down the grind of exp, gold, and items, so the whole thing should take 30-ish hours or less instead of a hundred or more. It's not as bad as the first Dragon Warrior where starting with the best of everything plus maxed stats makes it take less than one hour to play. lol

Oh yeah, and I'm finally learning Japanese after putting it off for a couple decades. I'm growing comfortable with the hiragana text and some of the grammar I've learned so far. I had actually started with the kanji for numbers ichi through kyu , and practiced said kanji with sudoku puzzles. That was fun. It turned out after the fact that 1-10, 100, and 10,000 are among the hundred-ish recommended kanji for JPLT N5, so yay for progress made. The reason I finally decided to startb learning the language in earnest? Well there are two:

For one, I'm still writing my Touhou doujin story, and I hope to one day interact with the Japanese fanbase of the Touhou series in addition to the English side of the community, with or without my big story being the subject of discussion. Second, I've taken a liking to the motormouthed, somewhat lewd, and fellow Touhou player among Hololive's talents - Houshou Marine. I'd love to be able to understand her more without subtitles.

So that is my update for the year, I guess. haha
Entity13 posted...
Houshou Marine. I'd love to be able to understand her more without subtitles.
One of my favorites from hololive jp for sure. I feel like she is good to learn japanese to because she speaks quickly but is very articulate so it's still easy to make out each word despite having like double the words per minute of most other talents. Basically the complete opposite of my other favorite jp member, miko.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
I found DQ11 somewhat lacking. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but I dunno, I was expecting more. It was certainly long enough though.

Finished up the Yakuza romance anime I was watching. Wouldn't mind another season of it, but wouldn't be too devastated if it didn't happen. Was going to do an Arifureta rewatch next, so I could watch the newest season, only to find out that it's still airing. Seems like it's about two more weeks before it ends though, so I won't have to wait for too long. Not sure what I'll pick to watch in the meantime though.
I am just not built to enjoy Dragon Quest games these days lol. 5 was enjoyable, but I don't want to do that ever again.
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
spy family chapters just keep getting shorter and shorter

this one is 5 whole pages
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
YoukaiSlayer posted...
One of my favorites from hololive jp for sure. I feel like she is good to learn japanese to because she speaks quickly but is very articulate so it's still easy to make out each word despite having like double the words per minute of most other talents. Basically the complete opposite of my other favorite jp member, miko.

I also like Subaru for how she speaks each word.

dragon504 posted...
I found DQ11 somewhat lacking. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but I dunno, I was expecting more. It was certainly long enough though.

Yes, I recall my first time going through most of it--on PS4 that time, up to the point where I needed special materials to outfit the hero to be, well, a hero--that the game felt like it put more effort into being a celebration of the DQ series than it did delivering its own story in a meaningful manner. Not a terrible game, but missing a certain something. I also recall, back then, thinking the plot and its tropes were played to a T, making for a somewhat predictable experience. Mind you, I am a firm believer you can have familiar tropes and an old tale, but you can still pull in your audience if you do a good job with it.

You know, unlike FFXIV: Dawntrail. <_<

agesboy posted...
I am just not built to enjoy Dragon Quest games these days lol. 5 was enjoyable, but I don't want to do that ever again.

I hear that. I'm just enjoying what I can where or when I can. I tend to prefer JPRGs on PC these days so I can reduce the grind by about half or more, because using game altering devices like Game Genie or Shark isn't so easy or reliable for modern consoles. haha...

ConfusedTorchic posted...
spy family chapters just keep getting shorter and shorter

this one is 5 whole pages

Oh, oof. I think I've seen similar with some manga or manhwa I liked at first, only for the chapters to get way too short. Then the chapters picked up in length again just in time for the ending, like the shorter chapters were just delaying the finale. It's rough.
Do Chinese mobile games count as related things?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
hoyoverse games are basically indistinguishable from anime games, so probably. I play Girls Frontline 2 too, though not very regularly
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Honestly at this point you might as well bring up whatever you want. This is over 20k posts deep on something only like 6 of us actually post in.

That said, mobile games are evil and a blight upon the gaming industry. Shit makes more money than PC and console combined.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
YoukaiSlayer posted...
Honestly at this point you might as well bring up whatever you want. This is over 20k posts deep on something only like 6 of us actually post in.

How Few Remain , the book title goes. :-P

Starting to go through the manga collection and decide what I will and will not read again. Taking things to Half-Price Books as part of a general reduction of stuff. End of an era, perhaps, but rents going up so high everywhere means a need to be able to move to a new place as quickly and easily as possible.

-- I Abibde / Samuraiter
Laughing at Game FAQs since 2002.
agesboy posted...
hoyoverse games are basically indistinguishable from anime games, so probably. I play Girls Frontline 2 too, though not very regularly

Honestly, those gacha games are almost indistinguishable from one another, unless you spend too much time analyzing the stylistic differences. All I'm able to get from the whole lot of them is:

1) Rat girl is super hot.
2) Fire-themed pig-tail girl is an annoying "girl failure" with a memetic theme and a booty design that may or may not do its job, depending on the audience.
3) The female lead in one game is regularly shipped with other girls, especially someone named Kafka (sp?).

And that is probably more than I want to know.
Entity13 posted...
3) The female lead in one game is regularly shipped with other girls, especially someone named Kafka (sp?).
Kafka is basically explicitly horny for the main character and is probably also the singularly most beloved character in the game (outside of maybe Firefly, for non-horny reasons), so yeah, checks out. she's a hot 4d chess playing onee-san in high heels with a spider motiff but she's also unconditionally on the MC's side, it's great

I basically played until I could guarantee rolling her and then fell off honkai about a month later lol. damn it's been a year I should check back in
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
ive been watching bleach tybw c2 as i build

they really lean more into the violence and gore with this one

but rukia vs as nodt was the most mind numbingly boring shit to watch and listen to

rukias voice actor is just cardboard and nodts is just "it's the early 00s and I'm different, im edgy, I could be yuor angel or devil" voice, and it's slow, they all talked fucking slow, it was just "heho explanation exposition time" the fight but if microsoft sam pitched low was the fucking voice actor for both of them
see my gundams here
updated 12/10/24; mg age 2 normal
Poll of the Day » Anime, Manga, VN, JRPG, Related Things Discussion Topic CIII