It was Mead. And they got banned about two months ago, IIRC.
Mead was such a good person back in the day. Its sad to see what theyve become. I sent him hand warmers around Christmas time, I wonder if he got them.
even Duckbear had his useNo he didn't
I almost feel like there was a username before Mead
This whole board doesnt know how to appreciate what it had. Hell.. even Duckbear had his use.
Are ya happy now, PotD!?
They(she wasn't it)? went off the deep end a few years ago after finding out they were trans or something, idk if they were always unhinged or what.Mead is nonbinary now. For now at least. They're clearly not right in the head, so who knows for sure. I think it's common for depressed people who don't know why they're depressed to think they might be trans. It certainly could be part of it, but it's not always the case.
Yeah, he had a Japanese sounding name before changing it to Mead that I can't remember. I think it started with an O.
Brisashi. I think you're thinking of Ogurisama, who's an entirely different person (and still active, I believe).Hes not, he hasnt posted in years
Hes not, he hasnt posted in years
The Simpson's guy always posts.You find me one post hes made this year
Brisashi. I think you're thinking of Ogurisama, who's an entirely different person (and still active, I believe).
You find me one post hes made this yearUmm this post?
Who posted
? I did.Oh, youre Mead!
Oh, youre Mead!
I get it now
Oh yeah, that guy. I wonder what happened to him.
Mead was such a good person back in the day. Its sad to see what theyve become.
now that i think about it trump won so its about time icoyar came backPlease dont say these things.
I only vaguely remember icoyar aside from Schmen always called him the nipple guy and it made me so fucking uncomfortableyou think thats uncomfortable, you should have seen the nipples
Its hard to really sympathize with a homeless meth addict circling the drain after his wife who they admitted to physically abusing to the point of breaking their ribs left them. I mean yeah they're human and it's sad but over the last few years they've shown that they are not capable of making a single good decision. The whole "im living my best life" posts that quickly become "my life is so hard" within days is exhausting after a while. Some people indulge in despair and crave sympathy as if it were oxygen. They are either crazy and need to be comitted or they are trying to appear that way in an attempt to gift the social safety net and take advantage of the kindness of strangers while having zero intent of improving their situation. I'm not sure which is worth. Some things aren't worth complicating my life over i guessThat was not easy to understand. Did mead really beat their wife?
Please dont say these things.
...That actually sounds like brain tumor behavior. Or psychotic.
Yes. Mead broke some of the ribs of the woman who used to be his wife. The same woman who worked all day so he could sit on his ass and post on potd all day. The same woman he assured everyone was super happy with that arrangement and in fact, loved slaving away so he could do nothing.Yeah that's where I'm at with it.
Mead's life was fucked up long before the whole homeless thing happened, and none of it was anyone's fault or choice but Mead's.
Don't get me wrong. I have no issues with someone mooching off of their spouse, but if someone is taking care of you like that you have to give back, and he made it clear he wasn't. When that's the case, you shouldn't be surprised when they bail.
Tbh I always did find it off-putting how emotionally shallow they came off as. Before anything even went down. Like in a "I'm just a silly grown ass lolcow I don't take anything seriously" kind of way. Makes sense a person like that would feel completely liberated living on the streets.
this topic made me realize no matter how many times I read they/them in a real discussion, I am no less confused than ever.Don't be a Chud bro
Come to think of it I'm sure he posted on Deltas PotD Discord sever last year. The drugs and homelessness was still a thing. I didn't know about the stuff with the wife (or ex). That's fucked up.