dynasty warriors origins is OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » dynasty warriors origins is OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE
Its THAT good? i played the demo before and thought lu bu was impossible to beat on normal mode, i prefer old school DW where you can turn off your brain and hack and slash away
I do believe the advice was always don't pursue Lu Bu :P
A gentleman will walk, but never run
Today I contemplated hard on whether or not to buy it. I think I read a review that said customization of character is nonexistent and that swayed me not to buy.
I'll destroy you in Street Fighter, For Honor, COD, and hungry hungry hippos.
to be fair most of the reviews are from people who bought the deluxe version for early access

but yes it is that good, though it might be different from what you'd want in a traditional DW game
accord posted...
i played the demo before and thought lu bu was impossible to beat on normal mode,
he doesn't even appear on that map in the main game, he was just sorta there as a treat for fans to flex on. you eventually have to duel him on wei and shu routes, but that's later in the game

that map's all around harder in the demo because it's like 10-15 battles in and they gradually introduce mechanics to you- it's the very first map you have access to squads, and the first map you see large forces, duels, and grand stratagems in. you also have access to about 6 weapon types at this point and something probably feels good

HornedLion posted...
Today I contemplated hard on whether or not to buy it. I think I read a review that said customization of character is nonexistent and that swayed me not to buy.
yeah it's not dynasty warriors 10, it's a dynasty warriors style spinoff with a wuxia focus and a 'chosen one' narrative centered around the main character. he's kinda like byleth in fire emblem three houses
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
HornedLion posted...
Today I contemplated hard on whether or not to buy it. I think I read a review that said customization of character is nonexistent and that swayed me not to buy.

I legitimately thought they were doing the typical "create your OC to hang out with franchise heroes" untill I was told otherwise recently.

Also I really enjoyed it, unfortunately due to FF7Rebirth, KCD2 and MHWilds releasing soon I'm not playing it yet.
Cruddy_horse posted...
I legitimately thought they were doing the typical "create your OC to hang out with franchise heroes" untill I was told otherwise recently.

I'd have been way more likely to buy it if this was the case.

It's like with RotTK, half the fun is in making your own officers.

...which has now made me sadly nostalgic for the time years ago when someone here played through RotTK 10 or 11, and made all of their officers based on PotDers.

And now I'm thinking about how that was probably nearly 20 years ago , and I can literally feel my bones aching as the cold specter of inexorable time claws into my very soul.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
It's definitely a step up from the previous installments.
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ParanoidObsessive posted...
...which has now made me sadly nostalgic for the time years ago when someone here played through RotTK 10 or 11, and made all of their officers based on PotDers.
...............that might have been me, i'm looking at my copy of X right now

it was probably X since that was an officer-centric game; you could only play a ruler in XI, but you could be a lower ranked officer in X
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
agesboy posted...
...............that might have been me, i'm looking at my copy of X right now

it was probably X since that was an officer-centric game; you could only play a ruler in XI, but you could be a lower ranked officer in X

My memory of it is vague. I remember talk about both 10 and 11, but I forget which one the person was actually playing (and who it was).

It might actually be two different topics, where one person played 10 and someone else played 11.

I do remember telling them to make my officer "Chien Po" though. And looking through portraits from the game to see which one I wanted them to use for me.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
It's good, but keep in mind that Steam still doesn't have a lot of reviews for the game. When I checked this morning, the reviews were still under a thousand total.

It pretty much gets the combat and battlefields right. The tone of the game is in the best place it's been since DW3, but the story is mostly hot sewage. Some folks may enjoy it more than I do, but as usual, it's more Naruto-lite than an actual respectable telling of the Three Kingdoms drama. That said, it's Omega Force's best effort of all the games and you can tell they put their heart and soul into it; Omega Force just sucks at storytelling.

I also miss playing as the characters (Gan Ning, ffs) and can't stand the entire, unnecessary subplot of the OC.

All that said, the game is fun.
Hail Hydra
Krow_Incarnate posted...
That said, it's Omega Force's best effort of all the games and you can tell they put their heart and soul into it; Omega Force just sucks at storytelling.
7's storytelling was pretty good, and I've heard Spirit of Sanada was good too. A lot of the characterizations in this game are also legitimately interesting- Dong Zhuo not being an egotistical bomb-tossing madman but instead of a ruthless darwinist was a great development. It's really just the original stuff they're jamming in that feels out of place to me.
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Krow_Incarnate posted...
but the story is mostly hot sewage. Some folks may enjoy it more than I do, but as usual, it's more Naruto-lite than an actual respectable telling of the Three Kingdoms drama.

Can I side with Cao Cao and seduce Zhuge Liang's wife?

If so, 10/10 story.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
no but everyone wants to bang you for some reason

including lu bu
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
agesboy posted...
no but everyone wants to bang you for some reason

So it's realistically true to life then.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
two routes down and i'm halfway through the third, with a dozen or so challenges done so far

endgame battle arts make you feel like a monster
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Poll of the Day » dynasty warriors origins is OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE