BUMPED2002 posted...
With a Universal Plan you wouldn't pay $400 for Tylenol.
No, the universal insurance system would pay $400 for Tylenol. But my taxes pay into the insurance system. So I would still be paying $400 for Tylenol.
The solution to the problem isn't to redistribute who has to pay the insane bill. The solution to the problem is making the bill not insane in the first place.
That's incredibly simplifying things, and there's more to it than that (the health care system is incredibly broken, in nearly every possible way something can
broken), but the call for "universal health care" is generally the sop used to distract people from the actual problems. And like most solutions our current government discusses, it won't actually solve anything even if you get it (and will actively prevent actual solutions).
Addressing things like "Big Pharma" would do a hell of a lot more to help people than UHC would. But pushing UHC initiatives allows politicians to claim the problem has been "solved" so they can stop trying to solve it (or stop pretending to try and solve it to get votes).