why do people want a DMC6?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » why do people want a DMC6?
DMC5 tied up the series pretty nicely. A direct sequel would ruin the wonderful ending.
the people who made the originals are all gone

if anything they should make a new DMC 2 that doesn't suck
New User
Because they liked DMC5 and aren't invested enough in the storyline of the series to want to give up the chance to have more of that gameplay for the sake of respecting the story's natural endpoint. There's also the option to just start a new storyline, in which case it might not be numbered as a direct sequel. Either way, the point is that people want to play more games like the good game they liked.
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As the series is good I certainly want another. They could even do a Sparda game if they wanted.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
Because the game is fucking amazing and I want more of it? Idc if the story is ass, I just want Dante and Vergil gameplay
Currently playing: Nothing
DeLorean Motor Company?
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Why do people want a Battle Network 7 when the story ended?
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
Poll of the Day » why do people want a DMC6?