I tested positive for Covid

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » I tested positive for Covid
The crazy thing is I dont feel nearly as sick as I thought you were supposed to.

It just felt like a cold till I lost my taste and smell, so I decided to get tested.

I avoided it up till now.
It certainly changed over the last 5 years. Hopefully you stay well!
Get well soon!

They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
SrRd_RacinG posted...
It certainly changed over the last 5 years. Hopefully you stay well!
Thanks bro!
OneEyedShinobi posted...
Get well soon!

So cute!!! Thank you for the get well kitty!
XenobladeX posted...
So cute!!! Thank you for the get well kitty!
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2. Ikki defender, #1 Mega Man 2 loather.
Not a male in rl.
XenobladeX posted...
The crazy thing is I dont feel nearly as sick as I thought you were supposed to.

It varies a lot. Even more so with current variants than with older ones, a solid chunk of infections are totally asymptomatic and another chunk are pretty minor. It can still get pretty thoroughly miserable and even be life-threatening, but in many cases there isn't too much to worry about.
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adjl posted...
It varies a lot. Even more so with current variants than with older ones, a solid chunk of infections are totally asymptomatic and another chunk are pretty minor. It can still get pretty thoroughly miserable and even be life-threatening, but in many cases there isn't too much to worry about.
Thats good to hear. Im vaccinated and boosted, so that could be helping too
Depends how recent your last booster was. Immunity only lasts about six months, so unless you had a booster in that time frame, you're only marginally better off than if you were unvaccinated.
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adjl posted...
Depends how recent your last booster was. Immunity only lasts about six months, so unless you had a booster in that time frame, you're only marginally better off than if you were unvaccinated.
Yeah it was a while back. Dang
XenobladeX posted...
It just felt like a cold till I lost my taste and smell
I had it in 2020, 2022, and maybe a second time in 2022, but I didn't test that one. But yeah, that description was accurate for me too all 2 (or 3) times.
Bells, bells, bells!
..... i was saying the other day that I kinda hope I get covid soon...... sounds strange I know but recently I am soon about to go to jury duty which I don't want to do.
I'm hoping for an out.
XenobladeX posted...
The crazy thing is I dont feel nearly as sick as I thought you were supposed to.

When I had it, I basically had regular flu symptoms for the first couple days, and then it just felt like a cold for about a week. Not really a major issue at all.

When my friend had it, he had to be hospitalized, needed a machine to breathe, and he said that there were multiple times during the illness where he just wished he could die to make the suffering end. And he's had a number of "long covid" issues afterward, like brain fog and other things. He's also mentioned multiple times since just how badly it fucked him up, both physically and mentally.

Time, vaccinations, and personal resistance cover a really wide spread of potential virulence.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
A coworker of mine just died of COVID complications a couple weeks ago. She was fine on Friday, called out on Monday with plans to be in later that week and then Wednesday a note went out that she had died on Tuesday.

I barely had any symptoms when I had COVID and I think I worked every day since I work from home.
ParanoidObsessive posted...
When I had it, I basically had regular flu symptoms for the first couple days, and then it just felt like a cold for about a week. Not really a major issue at all.

When my friend had it, he had to be hospitalized, needed a machine to breathe, and he said that there were multiple times during the illness where he just wished he could die to make the suffering end. And he's had a number of "long covid" issues afterward, like brain fog and other things. He's also mentioned multiple times since just how badly it fucked him up, both physically and mentally.

Time, vaccinations, and personal resistance cover a really wide spread of potential virulence.
When you say personal resistance, do you mean some people are naturally immune?
I got it shortly after I got vaccinated, I basically just had a sore throat for one evening. It was gone when I woke up the next day.
What would Bligh do?
XenobladeX posted...
When you say personal resistance, do you mean some people are naturally immune?

Not immune, per se. But some people will be asymptomatic, some people will have very mild symptoms, and some people will take the full brunt of it.

Health can also play a role - people who have preexisting conditions or who are just overweight or have other issues may suffer from stronger reactions to it. Though my friend was a relatively healthy man in his mid-40s who wasn't obese and didn't have any obvious issues, so you never can tell who is going to have a strong reaction to it versus who isn't (my 76-year old mother who was obese and who did have prior existing respiratory and cardiac issues had a fairly minor reaction to it when she caught it around the same time I did).

It also depends on what strain of it you're catching. The early strains when it first hit were much stronger than the ones it eventually mutated down to (which is how viruses tend to work in general).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I've had it 6 fucking times already.
And I'm a shut in, never go out, hate crowds.

He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Lose 50 experience
I had it once that I know of. I showed light flu like symptoms for like a day and then I was fine. Stayed home from work for like a week and I was fine for most of that time
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
I had it a few times here and just drank water more and rested. I didn't have terrible symptoms or anything.
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Time, vaccinations, and personal resistance cover a really wide spread of potential virulence.

Plus what seems to be sheer dumb luck, as far as anyone can tell (which probably actually corresponds to pathogen load, but that's also pretty much dumb luck aside from countermeasures like masking and distancing that can reduce it).
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I had it back in late May and it started out as a simple stuffy left nostril that I thought was allergies. Allergy pills werent working and two days later I tested positive. The next day the deep cough started.
Best I know I have avoided infection entirely, though in theory I can have had it fully without symptoms without knowing. Am fully vaccinated though, and either age or chronic illness has qualified you for annual renewals here. I have the latter and have dutifully gotten my shots when made available, might as well. Thimk I am at six total by now. And I guess I'm not out in the crowds very often, either.
A gentleman will walk, but never run
I've had it twice and it sucked both times. The thing that really got me was the fatigue - other than that and general achiness, it wasn't that bad.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
ive only had it confirmed once and I was either asymptomatic or I was just so used to being fatigued I didnt notice a difference.

Ive had a few major colds around the time people I worked with had Covid although I never got tested for it however. I just powered through
I actually got considerably worse last night. I was running a high fever and was having trouble breathing, but it had just snowed so I didnt wanna drive to the hospital (and no way was I paying for an ambulance). So I just toughed it out and used my asthma inhaler.

I feel so so much better today. I feel like its starting to pass and Im through the worst of it. Doc checked me out at around 10:30 am and said Im recovering good, but she dont want me back in work till Monday. So ima just chill these next few days.
Better than testing positive for AIDS.
Following the FAD
I avoided it for 4 years before finally catching it twice last year (dude to the film industry, I've been tested north of like 400 times for Covid to date). No clue at all how I got it the first time, someone asymptomatic, I guess, since no one was sick, no crowds. Been to 2 concerts, Universal, and a few other hot spot places before that.

First time was pretty bad, and I actually got Paxlovid for it, which worked wonders. The hot sweat and cold chills before that were rough, and I had all the weird fever dreams.

The 2nd time a couple months ago was rough for 1 day, steady after. I'm caught up on all boosters.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
Poll of the Day » I tested positive for Covid