Hearing about the company behind Power Rangers, Saban, kinda sucks tho. They were basically exploiting these actors/actresses who were basically too young to understand how bad they were getting ripped off. It didn't really change much throughout the years, as 2013 show revealed that the actors were getting paid less than McDonalds employees.
Unrelated, I had Asian relatives when I was young so I was exposed to the original source of where they got the footage from, Super Sentai (and MMPR footage was taken from Zyurangers). As a young kid, I did not question the things I saw, but rewatching as an adult, the original Japanese version was just so silly and wild.
The 'Megazord' was actually their God who was quite hostile. He was very adamant at telling the heroes to go murder the monsters over saving kids. During the encounter with the Green Ranger, the most iconic story arc in MMPR, Round 2 was actually just God ejecting the Rangers out of the cockpit and solo-ing the Dragonzord equivalent. He was basically going to kill the Dragonzord if Red didn't kill Green (who was Red's Older Brother).
ConfusedTorchic posted...
i have played the first two or three levels, i think
it's kind of difficult solo. me and a friend tried to use parsec to play, but she's got limited mobility and can't use a controller either, and since there's no fuckin key rebinding it wasn't possible for her to play
I got a review copy for that game when it came out, it was definitely a 'for fans' kind of game.
Similar games were way better such as Streets of Rage 4 and Shredder's Revenge (and I didn't exactly think those were GREAT either).
The gameplay felt slow as molasses and unresponsive, the character move sets felt too similar.
The Mode 7 stages with the Megazords were very glitchy (noticing times where it takes away 2 lives when someone dies).
Most of the major problems were addressed and fixed like 2 weeks after release so it's a much more playable game now.