The_Opened_Way posted...
I asked because I feel like modern ARPGs have had a serious problem with itemization where the loot you can acquire just doesn't feel particularly special or interesting.
A great example of a game that did loot right was Phantasy Star Online. That game has a crapload of other problems but I adore the loot in that game. There are so many cool items you can find in the game that all do really cool things.
ah ah
Ok, PoE is unlike any other ARPG I can think of when it comes to itemization. There's not a whole lot of emphasis on Uniques, although there are a few you can farm for that are build defining... and there's one unique ring whose effect is just to be a clone of your other ring... almost everyone uses that.
To be top tier you gotta craft your items; It takes considerable effort to get a rare item with all 6 affixes that are relevant to your build while also having the right ranges (like if an item can have 12~16 stat, getting those 16s). The rarest items in the game typically involve adding affixes. Getting a 6 affix rare where all the affixes are relevant to your build is almost impossible, but getting one with 4 or 5 is kinda doable... then you pop an Exalted Orb and hope the added affix is one you need.
Every item can also have a manually crafted affix on it from the crafting bench, so if you get a natural 5 good affix you're pretty solid and can craft the last affix on;
That Mirror of Kalandra item I mentioned that can outright dupe an item? You don't dupe your own items... people who have spend months crafting a perfect helmet will go on the forums and you can offer other currencies (usually exalted orbs) AND the mirror of kalandra for the priviliage of duplicating their item ... and people do this because of the overall grindiness of getting perfect items.
On the flip side, I do adore Phantasy Star Online - I have probably the world record time spent on the game. But in terms of end game itemization it was basically 'pick the one or two uniques you like and there you go' with very little customization after that... the bulk of your build was stat materials and your little buddy.
For example, if I'm out farming with a ranger I'll have 1 power weapon and 1 hell weapon (since even with relatively high resists a hell weapon usually kills faster than conventional weapons for a long time) and 1 situational weapon for the bosses (photon launchers usually). Other than that I just have the highest level armour/frame on and the relevant status immunities I need slotted into it.