Anyone else playing POE2

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Anyone else playing POE2
I am playing this game and it is pretty good. Never played a ARPG before, I can tell why they are popular.
I should be playing it, but I tend to not like early access stuff;

I mean, i'm watching the steam forums so if they do any contests or anything I'll jump in there
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fair enough, I don't like that they are charging for early access too, given that the game will be free later on. but I got a key from a friend so not a big deal.
I got ARPG'd out playing PoE for a couple months last year. Whenever I eventually feel in the mood for another one, I'll probably pick up Last Epoch or the newest Grim Dawn expansion instead, but I'll definitely be getting to PoE2 at some point.
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adjl posted...
newest Grim Dawn expansion instead,

Is it out yet?

aside, I'm probably gunna hit up the Torchlight trilogy to do some achievements
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Some unspecified time next year. I'm just not expecting to be feeling an ARPG for a while, especially where I'll probably be continuing some of this year's efforts to focus on backlog games over replaying old ones (even new DLC for old ones, though I've made an exception for Factorio).
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I liked PoE for a while, but realized I was never going to put the effort into it to play it very well, so I dropped it. I know PoE 2 is a little different, but I'm just going to assume I'd have the same problem with it that I did with the first one.
My relationship with PoE is a bit odd. I love the game in a general sense, but the loot philosophy (strongly promoting trade but also making trading absolutely suck) ends up working so hard against me wanting to try out different builds that I get frustrated and never take it as far as I'd otherwise like to. I did have a pretty good time playing SSF last year and just taking the whole question of trade out of the equation, but I still felt like I was being really held back by how much build-enabling gear was impractically rare due to the expectation that it'd be traded for.

I like Grim Dawn's loot philosophy: There's still a bunch of world drop stuff that's really useful and can be build-enabling, but most of the really build-enabling stuff can be target farmed. That gives a lot of flexibility around trying out new builds, especially given how easy it is to respec.
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I'm up to about level 25 on witch as a minion/chaos damage hybrid (probably about 15-20 hours in), it's pretty great but holy SHIT the drop rates are tiny, everything has massive amounts of HP, maps are gigantic and you are slow, and enemies will bodyblock you to death. It's gonna need some more polish (and it's likely going to end up much harder and slower than PoE1 anyways), but it's surprisingly already in a good, if somewhat hardcore, state

To use an overused analogy, it really does feel like the Dark Souls of ARPGs right now. We even got a dodge roll now!
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
> but the loot philosophy

The loot philosophy is probably my favourite part of PoE - but I don't trade, I just love collecting STUFF
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I've had maybe 5-10 rare items drop (most of which I can't use), one unique, and 2 alchemy orbs drop in PoE2 so far. No rings have dropped (I had to buy them from vendors for entirely too much money), and only a few white amulets have. It's a wasteland out here man.
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
I'm having a lot of fun with it. The combat is different enough from most games in the genre to make it feel fresh.
And with that... pow! I'm gone!
agesboy posted...
I'm up to about level 25 on witch as a minion/chaos damage hybrid (probably about 15-20 hours in), it's pretty great but holy SHIT the drop rates are tiny, everything has massive amounts of HP, maps are gigantic and you are slow, and enemies will bodyblock you to death. It's gonna need some more polish (and it's likely going to end up much harder and slower than PoE1 anyways), but it's surprisingly already in a good, if somewhat hardcore, state

To use an overused analogy, it really does feel like the Dark Souls of ARPGs right now. We even got a dodge roll now!
If I ever do play this, I'll do it after you've beta tested for me.
There are four lights.
Looking forward to trying it since they got rid of the first game's ridiculous economy.
"But don't give up hope. Everyone is cured sooner or later. In the end we shall shoot you." - O'Brien, 1984
Poe1 has been immensely better recently since they introduced gold and the currency exchange, honestly. It's still not perfect (adjl's right, trading for specific uniques is immensely OP), but depending on the build you can get something really good going due to the easy access to divination cards and being able to liquidate everything to craft more. Hell, last league was the first time I actually felt comfortable regularly crafting because I knew I'd just have to blast more dudes to get more money.
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
I'll get it when it's actually free to play.
In act 2 it is starting to get repetitive on my sorc character. trying to spice things up by trying different spells but what I have "works" I guess since I am still killing bosses in 1-2 tries...

Not sure if I should be focusing on one element in my spells. I am using ice for freeze and fire for damage but levels are slowing down and I am not really moving through my sphere grid that much anymore at level 20. plus my hotkeys are getting annoying casting like 6 different spells on every mob.
The vibe I got from pre-release stuff is that they're trying to encourage "piano" builds in general, so I think it's normal that you're using a bunch of different spells regularly.
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oh really. maybe need to remap my hotkeys. I am needing to strafe with WASD while casting spells with QERT and use the mouse to aim. I know the other control scheme is to move with the mouse but then how does strafing work? I may need to use all 5 of my mouse buttons too the way things are going.
Lokarin posted...
> but the loot philosophy

The loot philosophy is probably my favourite part of PoE - but I don't trade, I just love collecting STUFF

Can you explain the "loot philosophy" and what makes it so good?
I just can't get into Isometric ARPGs, only one I really liked was D3, everything else is just meh. I want to give it a whirl but I tried POE1 multiple times and didn't care for it and a 30 dollar tag doesn't help.
The_Opened_Way posted...
Can you explain the "loot philosophy" and what makes it so good?

why it's good is purely subjective:

Basically, the game has no money in it; all the currencies in the games have actual effects on your items, forexample rerolling the colours of your sockets or the links between them, or adding a rare affix to an item.

That's already cool on its own, however.... I JUST LIKE HOOOOOOOOOOOOARDING THEM!!!

The rarest currency item is the Mirror of Kalandra, which lets you dupe an item.
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adjl posted...
The vibe I got from pre-release stuff is that they're trying to encourage "piano" builds in general, so I think it's normal that you're using a bunch of different spells regularly.
You're also meant to actively switch up tactics based on what you're fighting. The game gives you points of minor deviation in the skill tree you can switch between on the fly based on which weapon loadout you're using, and swapping between skills is really easy (and you're given like 10 slots at the start of the game. An entire genre of skills (corpse-based stuff) is almost entirely unusable in boss fights but really strong for regular play.
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
As a packrat I can't play a free to play ARPG that lets you pay real money for more storage space
What would Bligh do?
storage space doesn't matter when nothing drops! l m a o
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Lokarin posted...
why it's good is purely subjective:

Basically, the game has no money in it; all the currencies in the games have actual effects on your items, forexample rerolling the colours of your sockets or the links between them, or adding a rare affix to an item.

That's already cool on its own, however.... I JUST LIKE HOOOOOOOOOOOOARDING THEM!!!

The rarest currency item is the Mirror of Kalandra, which lets you dupe an item.

I asked because I feel like modern ARPGs have had a serious problem with itemization where the loot you can acquire just doesn't feel particularly special or interesting.

A great example of a game that did loot right was Phantasy Star Online. That game has a crapload of other problems but I adore the loot in that game. There are so many cool items you can find in the game that all do really cool things.

Like in PSO you can find the Frozen Shooter, a ranged spread shot that had a high probability to freeze your opponents in place. Or the Psycho Wand that was able to cast very powerful spells but spell cost was half split between your HP and TP.

In Diablo 3 for example you can either get the sword that gives you +3% leach, +5% move speed and +10% poison resist, or you can get the sword that gives you +5% cooldown reduction, +4% leech and +8% attack range.

Most of the shit that you see on Diablo 3 weapons are just a blur of crap.
The_Opened_Way posted...
I asked because I feel like modern ARPGs have had a serious problem with itemization where the loot you can acquire just doesn't feel particularly special or interesting.

A great example of a game that did loot right was Phantasy Star Online. That game has a crapload of other problems but I adore the loot in that game. There are so many cool items you can find in the game that all do really cool things.

ah ah

Ok, PoE is unlike any other ARPG I can think of when it comes to itemization. There's not a whole lot of emphasis on Uniques, although there are a few you can farm for that are build defining... and there's one unique ring whose effect is just to be a clone of your other ring... almost everyone uses that.

To be top tier you gotta craft your items; It takes considerable effort to get a rare item with all 6 affixes that are relevant to your build while also having the right ranges (like if an item can have 12~16 stat, getting those 16s). The rarest items in the game typically involve adding affixes. Getting a 6 affix rare where all the affixes are relevant to your build is almost impossible, but getting one with 4 or 5 is kinda doable... then you pop an Exalted Orb and hope the added affix is one you need.

Every item can also have a manually crafted affix on it from the crafting bench, so if you get a natural 5 good affix you're pretty solid and can craft the last affix on;

That Mirror of Kalandra item I mentioned that can outright dupe an item? You don't dupe your own items... people who have spend months crafting a perfect helmet will go on the forums and you can offer other currencies (usually exalted orbs) AND the mirror of kalandra for the priviliage of duplicating their item ... and people do this because of the overall grindiness of getting perfect items.


On the flip side, I do adore Phantasy Star Online - I have probably the world record time spent on the game. But in terms of end game itemization it was basically 'pick the one or two uniques you like and there you go' with very little customization after that... the bulk of your build was stat materials and your little buddy.

For example, if I'm out farming with a ranger I'll have 1 power weapon and 1 hell weapon (since even with relatively high resists a hell weapon usually kills faster than conventional weapons for a long time) and 1 situational weapon for the bosses (photon launchers usually). Other than that I just have the highest level armour/frame on and the relevant status immunities I need slotted into it.
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but you're right about PSO... the special weapons in that game were very special, not just stat sticks (for the most part).
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*Some* of the special weapons in PSO were actually special. For every Frozen Shooter there were a thousand Varistas that were just statistical upgrades over the base versions of the weapon type. Drop rates for anything interesting were also pretty abysmal, even with the improvements later releases offered over v2. I still had a good time with PSO back in the day (and again later with Blue Burst a couple years after its official servers shut down), but I can't say I really feel like I miss it now that the industry has had a couple decades to evolve. I did have a good time with PSO2, but that's a very different sort of game.
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late act 3 my build has gotten some real steam, i do have to rerun stuff but i guess thats expected since the story chapters aren't done yet

(if anyone else wants to do pure minions, don't sleep on archers poison cloud + infernalist ignite, it's consistent huge damage. something similar was nerfed recently but not this interaction)
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
having more fun with Warrior, just got back to act 2 almost where I was with Sorc now but way faster this time. thought the wolf would be harder but I beat him in one try. I feel like I don't even need skill gems, only using shield charge, rolling slam, and boneshatter. just charge into every mob, it's really fun.
I started playing today. A friend gave me a key for Christmas. <3
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I am just now getting in act 2 Cruel with my warrior, in about 40 hours. I feel like the game is definitely a little too long for the "style" of game, where endgame is supposed to be where the real game starts.

Nioh was the same, as was Monster Hunter, the campaign was good but 40 hours of that I'm hanging it up and playing something else.
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I'm into PoE2 as well. Heard a lot of comments from people who said they didn't enjoy PoE1 but liked 2 which convinced me to try it and I'm glad I did because I'm in that camp as well.

Never play minion builds in ARGPs, but gave it a go in PoE2 as I heard it's harder than other games. Going alright so far but losing a bit of steam in Act 3.
So I was standing still at a stationary store...
acesxhigh posted...
I am playing this game and it is pretty good. Never played a ARPG before, I can tell why they are popular.

Calm down, buddy PoE2 is basically the cream of the crop. If you ever go into another ARPG, temper your expectations.
I'll destroy you in Street Fighter, For Honor, COD, and hungry hungry hippos.
ItIsSoOver posted...
I hit maps on my first character in about 25 hours tops and it doesnt take much more than 10 for any character you go to level after that.

Get some stash tabs and remember that the town is lava. You should only be selling/disenchanting/upgrading like once per act.

So if you pay, you can access stash outside of town?

I assume I am also supposed to trade to make leveling faster with good gear, and the trade tabs also cost money.

I enjoy this game but I don't intend to spend money on it during early access.

Considering the whole game feels like nothing more than a time goblin I guess it's fine that the leveling takes a while. Pressing the same 3 buttons to clear screens over and over for even 20 hours is a bit of a drag though.

Like sure I will want to play again when they add more classes, campaign acts, and/or weapons. But hopefully the cut the fat from the campaign is all I'm saying because the map size just gets boring in act 2 and beyond.
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Poll of the Day » Anyone else playing POE2