CyborgSage00x0 posted...
I would, but no idea how you'd practically ban an app that can also be accessed from the internet...especially when banning anything makes a kid want it more. So, no practical way to do it.
1) The access to it is being greatly curtailed, which cuts off the majority of the userbase who either isn't savvy enough to find alternative methods or don't care enough.
2) Services can blacklist IPs from certain countries. Yes, you CAN get around that with a relatively inexpensive service (assuming those services don't get targeted by the US government for violating the law and face punitive measures themselves), but how many people are going to do that?
3) Countries can blacklist access to certain services (ie, China's Golden Shield)
As popular as TikTok is, the ban will likely remove the majority of its US userbase. And since those users will likely move to similar platforms, other portions of TikTok may start to join them.