Driving instructor must have been perplexed when they both flew in to learn how to drive.
"You mean I have to keep changing gears to go faster?. I know, I'll use kaioken on the gear shift....."
"GOKU, NO!!!!!........."
"Gee wizz, I broke the stick thing. If I push and Piccolo steers will that count as a pass?. I don't want to mess his chances up as well."
Driving Instructor:
"How about I just pass you both as long as you just fly everywhere anyway. I also quit just to be sure."
"But the car can carry more groceries so Chi Chi can make me more food..."
Driving Instructor:
"Just lift it and fly it where it is needed."
"WOW, That's a great idea!. I get a work out and the car carries more groceries."
"I should have done this with Gohan. It would have went better."
you haven't set a signature for the message boards yet!