how many people have just lost pokeballs with pokemon in them

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » how many people have just lost pokeballs with pokemon in them
imagine how fucked up that must make them feel, you and the pokemon. that pokemon is just doomed to never come out of that ball again, for eternity.

and you are the one who essentially subjected that pokemon to an eternity of torture
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
I'm not lazy, I just don't care - Poll of the Day Discord server: vdCKttVS7K -
i cry evrytim
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
I imagine they just transfer back to the computer storage
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Lose 50 experience
I've lost a Dragonball before...
girls like my fa
Poll of the Day » how many people have just lost pokeballs with pokemon in them