What is your favorite kind of Japanese noodle dish?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » What is your favorite kind of Japanese noodle dish?
I like Udon, pretty damn great
Maybe yakiudon or yakiramen.
Never be afraid to show your emotions, even if they're fake.
Of those listed? Ramen.

Ramen > Udon > Soba > Yakisoba, though all are good.

However, I would put Okinawa soba above all of those (which, yes, I'm qualifying as different than regular soba because it's completely different to soba dishes you have on the mainland).
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Very little experience with any of them, but had a solid ramen at a restaurant this summer that purports to be authentic, not that I would be able to tell.
A gentleman will walk, but never run
I still dream of the spicy Udon dishes I had in Nagano (which is traditionally a Soba region).
Never had any of them but I do eat super noodles that kinda are like Ramen if I have more broth so I voted that.
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Ramen, particularly tonkotsu.
The obvious pick but ramen for sure
Not just ramen but rawomen and rachildren too
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It's not Japanese, but I'm having Chapaguri for dinner tonight.
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Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
@Sarcasthma 's noodle
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A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Poll of the Day » What is your favorite kind of Japanese noodle dish?