Damn_Underscore posted...
You're telling me you stayed awake for 48+ hours playing one video game
yeah no that didn't happen
Yes it did.
College, Final Fantasy VII. I have an obsessive personalty, and once I started playing I couldn't stop. I basically went "Just 5 more minutes" and "I'll stop after I beat this next part" for an entire weekend. I only stopped because I eventually passed out on the couch. I was so in the zone I didn't stop to eat (I just drank multiple liters of Mountain Dew), and I never noticed when I needed to pee until it got physically painful (at which point I just ran to the bathroom, pissed, and then went right back to playing). My gaming trance was so deep my body couldn't stop me.
Plus, WoW exists. There are people who played so long their kids died. I can easily imagine people who played like that playing for longer than 48 hours.
(also, drugs exist)
RPGs in general have always been dangerous for me. I played Final Fantasy VI for 16 hours, and only stopped because I had got stuck and had to start over from the beginning, so the frustration broke my momentum. I played KotOR for 40 hours, and only stopped because I had beaten the game. I used to play TTRPGs (sort of like D&D, only not D&D) online, and I once played for 18 straight hours because every time I went to log off someone else logged on and I'd spend a few more hours playing. By the end some of the people I'd played with early had logged off, fully slept, and logged back on.
There are other RPGs I've spent ages playing (Suikoden springs to mind), but FFVII is definitely the big one, and was definitely longer than 48 hours.
Though 48 hours isn't even close to the longest I've ever been awake overall. Non-gaming, I once stayed awake for about 5 days, because I
sleep. I'd had a flu and took a lot of Tylenol PM, and after I stopped taking it I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. By the end I was starting to panic that I was going to start hallucinating. I finally managed to sleep, but I had to put a Chinese news channel on my TV to try and distract my brain from what was basically becoming a permanent anxiety attack (constant racing, insistent thoughts) in order to do it. That was 100+ hours, most of them miserable. But imagine if I'd spent all that time playing a game!