Do you ever wish you were more important than you are?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you ever wish you were more important than you are?
Like to your family or friends or job or humanity or to yourself

Im on vacation and feeling Ike I dont matter at all AMA
Forever Momo; Always EPic
I thought this said less important and yeah I wish I was
What would Bligh do?
No, Im quite happy with my status.
I wish I was mote important to my crushes, and my job so they'll give me more money but I'm happy with my place in the rest of that
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No, because being important comes with added responsibility, and fuck that noise.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
You don't need to be someone important to do something important. Stop trying to be the main character. Nobody is.
I'm a girl. I have to put this in my signature because some people still think its cool to play gender police
I am the GM of a liquor store, and that's enough. I feel very accomplished and important, but not in a powerful way. Since my state still uses the state store system there are only about 600 of us here. This is a good level of importantness but I am not too much of a notable figure so I can kinds just go about my business.
I like being not important.
I was before back when Deviant Art was around. The fame was too much being an artist that I got weedled and cajoled by others who I thought were my friends for free at my expense. I didn't do them. Nowadays, I thought about a starting a new account on Twitter, but realized the clout would be lonely. I'd be talk in my extended family if I could get a "Job" there with big money to show, but no, I rather create for the few that admire me. Plus, still get paid to go on.
The best preacher is the heart; the best teacher is time; the best book is the world; the best friend is God. - Talmud
I'm important enough to be stably employed and to have people around me that care enough to keep me in their lives. I think that covers all the importance I actually need.

ItIsSoOver posted...
You don't need to be someone important to do something important.

This is also good advice. If you feel unimportant because you haven't done enough to improve the world around you, go do something to improve the world around you. There are always countless opportunities to do so, often pretty easily, you just have to look for them.

If you're eligible, donating blood is an easy one: Travel time included, it takes about two hours every 8-12 weeks and you might have a day or two of reduced physical stamina afterwards. It's virtually free, but every time you do it you can save multiple lives.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
no way things would be so messed up
break every rule
Poll of the Day » Do you ever wish you were more important than you are?