Which was the greater invention the bicycle or the car?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Which was the greater invention the bicycle or the car?
Car, by a lot. For one, it allowed for the transportation of goods across great distances.
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They serve different purposes.

VideoboysaysCube posted...
For one, it allowed for the transportation of goods across great distances.

Trains already did that, and generally do a better job of it. As far as freight goes, motorized road vehicles primarily excel at last-mile transport: they have the flexibility to transport goods to a wide variety of locations near freight hubs, while offering much greater power than non-motorized alternatives. Long-haul trucking, however, is an infrastructure failure, mostly stemming from freight companies preferring to be effectively subsidized by using public roads instead of their own rails.
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I think the car, because it required electrical aspects, which required more discovery.
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Poll of the Day » Which was the greater invention the bicycle or the car?