FatalAccident posted...
is it really? Do you send your children to private school?
Schmen's kid is homeschooled because he's afraid the kid might come home with an opinion he didn't give her. He gave this explanation himself a few years ago, not long after she was born and before he dipped out.
Damn_Underscore posted...
Very small sample size but I knew one public school teacher who was obviously very interested in math and wanted her students to learn and another one who just taught by using worksheets and whatnot
So you really dont know what youre going to get
Pretty much. There are great teachers and there are terrible teachers. Across the board, not nearly enough is done to address terrible teachers, but that's mostly because there's just an all-around shortage of teachers in general and therefore few opportunities to replace the bad ones. That, in turn, mostly boils down to pay: because teachers aren't paid very well, you either get people who are passionate enough about teaching to do it in spite of the poor pay (which tend to be better) or people who aren't able to monetize their knowledge and skills in any other way and fall back on teaching (which tend to be worse). You miss out on a lot of people who say "I could be good at this, but my skills would make me a lot more money elsewhere," which makes for a much smaller pool of good teachers than is ideal.
That forms a destructive spiral, too, since the fewer teachers there are, the larger class sizes end up being, which makes it much harder for teachers to do a good job. That burns out the teachers that are actually trying, so you end up with even fewer good teachers left to pull from.