It took me four days before ublock was able to counter them last time I got ads. What was most frustrating was so many people were calling me a liar and trying to tell me to do all the things I already did.No its worse, longer ad's even. :c I'm using a Chromebook with Ublock with is fine with everything else, someone suggested Firefox but don't think it works on CB's?
Youtube doesn't send the ads out to their entire viewer base, they just send it out to a small number when they test things. You just got unlucky tc, your adblocker should update soon to deal with them.
Edit: I now realize this thread was necroed and likely TC no longer has this problem.
use multiple apps and also use the private browsing mode if that doesn't workHow do you use private browsing mode?
your biggest problem could be the Chromebook, but I don't know how those work tbh
I hear YouTube Premium is really cheap in some countries, around $1 a's really cheap in the USA
If that were true, the same person wouldn't be paying for Spotify premium while complaining about YouTube premium.
Both Spotify Premium and Youtube Premium are jokes, blatantly framed as selling solutions to problems that the platform holders created in the first place. They could be selling a 10-year subscription for $0.01 and I'd still flip them the bird because that's not a business model I want to reward.
Do you believe content is owed to you for free? Or do you abstain from consuming that content at all?
That's for content providers to decide, and as we know, youtubers already do sponsorships.
Do you believe content is owed to you for free? Or do you abstain from consuming that content at all?
move to FirefoxWhy does anyone use Chrome?
If content is offered to me for free, then I am owed content for free. If content is offered to me at a price, then I am owed content only if I pay that price.
Why does anyone use Chrome?
I switched to Chrome back when it was new, and after so many years Ive gotten too used to it to switch. However I will switch to Firefox if they make good on their threats against uBlock origin. So far I havent had any issues with it, and until I do, I dont have a reason to switch.
I can ignore the rest of whatever you said.