Do you know who Dylann Roof is?

Poll of the Day

Feels like a silly question, although I guess the underlying sentiment is, "Do you still remember this guy?" And his name is easier to remember than the Aurora shooter, even if the Aurora shooter was more memorable for how it happened and all of the bizarre courtroom photos.

Granted, I feel like there are a lot of infamous killers whose names I would probably recognize, but wouldn't otherwise be able to recall. Right now, though, I can't even remember the name of the officer who killed George Floyd and I think he was mentioned in a few SNL skits I watched. (Although as soon as I saw the photo of the guy, I remembered it was Derek Chauvin... and it might've been another cop in those SNL skits.)
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH