It's sad that toy guns are more regulated in the US then real guns

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » It's sad that toy guns are more regulated in the US then real guns
Any yahoo can go to a gun show and buy something just fine but try and import the Masterpiece Megatron transformer from Japan and get fined for it
What would Bligh do?
try to import a real gun and see what happens

because i can also just go to a toy show and buy something just fine too
see my gundams here
updated 07/17/24; knockoff mgsd strike freedom
ConfusedTorchic posted...
try to import a real gun and see what happens
Why would anyone who lives in the US feel the need to import a real gun
What would Bligh do?
it's not illegal to put an orange tip on the end of your real gun to make it look like a toy

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Zareth posted...
Why would anyone who lives in the US feel the need to import a real gun

the ak47 or it's variants are like the 1st or 2nd most popular rifle in america
see my gundams here
updated 07/17/24; knockoff mgsd strike freedom
ConfusedTorchic posted...
the ak47 or it's variants are like the 1st or 2nd most popular rifle in america
And I'm sure you can buy one from nearly any licensed gun dealer in the country
What would Bligh do?
and i can go on amazon and buy the masterpiece megatron just fine

see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
ConfusedTorchic posted...
try to import a real gun and see what happens

because i can also just go to a toy show and buy something just fine too

This. Shit topic, tbh.

Zareth posted...
Why would anyone who lives in the US feel the need to import a real gun

Because the US never made a Walther P38. Same reason you're importing that Megatron instead of buying one of the dozens of Megatons made by Hasbro, no fewer than five of which are sold at most retailers who carry Transformers.

ConfusedTorchic posted...
and i can go on amazon and buy the masterpiece megatron just fine

tbh, Zareth is getting dunked on non-stop
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Zareth posted...
Why would anyone who lives in the US feel the need to import a real gun
I have several guns made by Taurus and Rossi, which are made in Brazil. Their guns are generally of good quality while costing much less than American-made guns. A Taurus Judge can be purchased new for about $400, while the comparable US-made S&W Governor starts at $815; the Judge also has a lot more options available including a carbine.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
i have a tauros pt92ss, which is literally just a beretta 92

like they use the same machines beretta did for it, since they bought them from them

the only difference is that tauros one is more safe, since they removed the failure prone on slide safety and put it back on the frame.
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
Zareth posted...
Any yahoo can go to a gun show and buy something just fine but try and import the Masterpiece Megatron transformer from Japan and get fined for it

Yeah, this is absolutely false lol.
Bit by bit I chip away at the beginning to a masterpiece.
PSN: Vitruvian_Horror
Poll of the Day » It's sad that toy guns are more regulated in the US then real guns