No ones looking foward to concord?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » No ones looking foward to concord?
Im going to gamestop first day of release.
I own a Gaming PC
I played the beta. It was fun but I'm not much for multiplayer games.
I only know that game because everyone says its gonna flop. Also the characters are ugly but I guess not everyone can be pretty even in a fictional world
Ram Ranch... it ROCKS!
Why would they?
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
It's a good game.
I own a Gaming PC
After the suicide squad game I'm apparently getting a kick out of seeing big live-service games failing out the door. Excited for any death of a corporate paint-by-numbers nothing-game tbh.
So I was standing still at a stationary store...
it was actually fun, but since the majority of the sony user base only wants generic buff white male characters in their games, it's going to not sell well
see my gundams here
updated 07/17/24; knockoff mgsd strike freedom
I don't know much about the game.
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
Poll of the Day » No ones looking foward to concord?