Deadpool 3 containment topic (OBVIOUSLY MASSIVE SPOILERS)

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Deadpool 3 containment topic (OBVIOUSLY MASSIVE SPOILERS)
thought it was great as expected. disney needed a banger. or more specifically, not disney i guess, god knows they have enough money, but marvel. between that and captain america at least looking solid from the trailer, this could be the beginning resurgence
No one saw it huh

three day old edit: "beginning of the resurgence"
I was wasted when I saw it but from what I remember it was really funny
It was more of an X-Men movie masquerading as an MCU movie

The Wolverine costume looked really fucking good
It was fun, happy to finally see Wolverine in a full suit

I think if FOX were still their own thing, they could've pulled off a similar decent job without going into the whole Timeline mess.

Deadpool was transporting around multiverses with Cables watch, no major MCU characters showed up and he still ended up back on Earth 10005 with no direct connection to 616, so the MCU part of the story seemed redundant.

They'll most likely find a way to bridge the 2 (or more) Timelines with the upcoming movies (already seen part of a Deadpool & Thor meetup), but this wasn't really a first step in connecting the X-Men world(s) into the MCU
I am very curious if they follow through with the Thor bit (for one - I thought it was fake Thor from the play in Ragnarok, but I couldn't tell for sure). If that little clip was it, I wouldn't be surprised if they just abandoned it. But Deadpool definitely said "Thor" a few times throughout the movie, so I bet they already have a plan to get to that moment.
The footage was repurposed from Thor 2. I question how well Deadpool would fit into an Avengers film. He might fit better into Thor 5 given the silly mood the Thor films have been going for.

One thing this film reaffirmed for me is that they're not teleporting the X-Men to the MCU using the multiverse, aside from potentially Deadpool himself. I expect to see a whole new X-Men franchise take off after Avengers 6 or 7.
I'm glad I watched Loki in preparation for this. I think a lot of it would have been confusing otherwise. Thanks, Nade Duck!
I think it's a bit confusing that we have a rogue TVA group deleting universes in Deadpool when that was already a thing in Loki season 2. So it's a bit of a retread.

Also TVA power level was a bit low, pretty sure they can freeze people in time among other things? Maybe the rogue group just didn't have access to that tech.

PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Blightzkrieg posted...
Also TVA power level was a bit low, pretty sure they can freeze people in time among other things?
IIRC, that still requires a melee hit to connect.

I don't understand Paradox's plan. The TVA detected the time ripper immediately, so even if he succeeded, they would have thrown him in time jail or the void afterward anyway. Thanks, Nade Duck!
TVA has basically become their gateway to bring dead people back and/or people from universe to universe. Whether it makes sense or not, they aren't going away anytime soon.
I was really hoping Owen Wilson would show up
I was really hoping Owen Wilson would show up
Same. Sadly, if the TVA continues to be this plot-needed universe shifter device and nothing else, I don't anticipate much investment in their casting (although they did get Tom, but I can't imagine he cost all that much now that Succession is over)
best film of the year
You think you've Got problems?
GanonsSpirit posted...
IIRC, that still requires a melee hit to connect.

I don't understand Paradox's plan. The TVA detected the time ripper immediately, so even if he succeeded, they would have thrown him in time jail or the void afterward anyway.
His plan was just to demonstrate that it would be a more efficient use of their resources to go ahead and get rid of an unanchored timeline than let it die gradually. Even though the TVA did detect it, if Wade and Logan hadn't stopped it from working, that timeline would have been destroyed before the TVA brass showed up.
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
GanonsSpirit posted...
IIRC, that still requires a melee hit to connect.
This might be true I don't remember. Their power level was all over the place in Loki as well.
Poll of the Day » Deadpool 3 containment topic (OBVIOUSLY MASSIVE SPOILERS)