Do you like chick fil A's or Popeyes chicken sandwich more?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you like chick fil A's or Popeyes chicken sandwich more?
Mary Browns
They haven't gone to shit yet so enjoy them while you can.
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SinisterSlay posted...
Mary Browns
They haven't gone to shit yet so enjoy them while you can.
We don't have those here, they in the south?
GranTurismo posted...
We don't have those here, they in the south?
No idea if they made it to USA yet.

All these choices are 100 times better than KFC though.

When my wife came to Canada, she kept saying she wanted KFC. Everyone kept telling her she really doesn't.
Finally I took her, and yeah, she threw it out, inedible disgusting garbage. Canada's KFC is trash tier.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
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Where's the 'Like Both' option?
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I never had a chicken sandwich I liked - they always destroy them with mayo-likes
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I tried both, I don't hate 'em but they're not the best things ever either
It's close. They're pretty different but I'll take chick fil a just because it's usually a pain free experience and super consistent quality wise across every chain. Popeyes I might get beat up by the cashier
Popeyes by default, since I've had from them
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I haven't had the sandwiches from either but I like Chick fil a's chicken better
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I prefer Popeyes but the service at my local is literally the worst so I probably haven't had one in over a year if not two.
I remember when I thought Chick-fil-A was a luxury; now it's just a pain in the ass due to the traffic jam it causes at lunch hour.
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
Anyone who says Chik-fil-a has never eaten a Popeyes chicken sandwich.
Lokarin posted...
I never had a chicken sandwich I liked - they always destroy them with mayo-likes
I don't like that stuff either, but I just ask them to leave it off and then it's fine.
Popeye's but that's by default.

It has been so long since I've had Chik-Fil-A, but I have zero intention of getting something there.
Blah, blah, blah, and blah.
I wont support the Cow chicken place. Popeyes all the way. It is too bad, I miss the diet lemonade.
Chil Fila cos u can get a more natural grilled chicken sammy
VioletZer0 posted...
Anyone who says Chik-fil-a has never eaten a Popeyes chicken sandwich.
This. I've had both. Popeyes actually has flavor. The people who eat at Chick-fil-A are afraid of spice. Blandest chicken I've ever had outside of a gas station.
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Whargarble posted...
This. I've had both. Popeyes actually has flavor. The people who eat at Chick-fil-A are afraid of spice. Blandest chicken I've ever had outside of a gas station.
Depends on the store. The first Popeyes chicken sandwich I had was great. Then I had one at another store and it was awful. A good Popeyes one is better I think but chick fil a has the consistency. Popeyes doesn't give a fuck
OhhhJa posted...
Depends on the store. The first Popeyes chicken sandwich I had was great. Then I had one at another store and it was awful. A good Popeyes one is better I think but chick fil a has the consistency. Popeyes doesn't give a fuck
This. I live near both and prefer chic fil a because they are consistently good. I get the spicy chicken sandwich from both and while Popeyes when its made right is really good but Ive also had some Popeyes where Im like wtf is this because it was made so poorly. Also the drive thru times are better at chic fil a. Chic fil a is always more crowded but they actually take less time than my Popeyes.
Melody_JR posted...
I wont support the Cow chicken place. Popeyes all the way. It is too bad, I miss the diet lemonade.
Yeah, I think I'd like the CFA sandwich better, but given their CEO wants to spend a ton of money on hating me I'll pass.
CFA pretty easily for me, though its more to do with the sauce than the chicken itself. Probably my favorite fast food place unless you count pizza.
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Never tried chick fil a, I think pop-eyes is gross
I'm just a girl who loves games
CalculatorRamza posted...
Yeah, I think I'd like the CFA sandwich better, but given their CEO wants to spend a ton of money on hating me I'll pass.

They don't hate anyone.
I love Lord Jesus, Family Matters (for Steve & Laura which I typed up a beautiful alt from Just One Date episode) and FFIX (for Zidane & Garnet).
MagicalPrincess posted...
They don't hate anyone.

Oh, so you have zero understanding how the world works and are a bigot. Thanks for letting us know.
Again, they don't hate anyone
I love Lord Jesus, Family Matters (for Steve & Laura which I typed up a beautiful alt from Just One Date episode) and FFIX (for Zidane & Garnet).
Repeating lies and nonsense doesnt make it true. You can stop now. No one will believe you.
Neither are that special, to be honest.

Chicken is one of those things that is very hard to fuck up, but also requires about a million spices if you want to make something beyond edible.
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yaknow how there are smash burgers?

I think smash chicken might work good, especially with a nice bbq sauce
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Dikitain posted...
Neither are that special, to be honest.

Chicken is one of those things that is very hard to fuck up, but also requires about a million spices if you want to make something beyond edible.

Idk I've seen plenty of people undercook it
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Dikitain posted...
Neither are that special, to be honest.

Chicken is one of those things that is very hard to fuck up, but also requires about a million spices if you want to make something beyond edible.
Depends on what part of the chicken. Very easy to dry out chicken breast. You pretty much have to nail the temp or you'll dry it out. Thighs and legs not as big of a deal if over temp
'Popeyes chicken sandwich'

Their drive-thru lines aren't as long to actually get one.
Roachmeat posted...
'Popeyes chicken sandwich'

Their drive-thru lines aren't as long to actually get one.
But somehow the line takes even longer to get through lol
I haven't tried either one.
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the more I think of it the more I'm getting obsessed with the idea of a Smash chicken sandwich
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Not a male in rl.
Lokarin posted...
the more I think of it the more I'm getting obsessed with the idea of a Smash chicken sandwich
That's basically chicken fried chicken, if it's fried that is.
Bit by bit I chip away at the beginning to a masterpiece.
PSN: Vitruvian_Horror
I've gotta go with Chick-fil-A. It's somewhat healthier. The better quality is more consistent. The service is always great.
Bit by bit I chip away at the beginning to a masterpiece.
PSN: Vitruvian_Horror
Poll of the Day » Do you like chick fil A's or Popeyes chicken sandwich more?