Who has the right of way here?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Who has the right of way here?
Car 2 was at the stop sign before Car 1 moves into the middle, yellow turn lane. It's a genuine question, because I honestly have no idea.

Hail Hydra
If car 1 does not have a stop, they have the right of way.

If it is a 4-way stop, then the vehicle that arrives first has the right of way. If both arrive simultaneously, then the vehicle on the right goes first.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
By the look of it, car 2 is the only one with a stop sign, in which case there's no ambuguity. Car 1 has right of way in all circumstances during which normal right-of-way laws apply (e.g. not if car 2 is an emergency vehicle).

If car 1 and car 2 are going into different lanes (e.g. there are two lanes on that side of the road and 1 is going into the left-hand lane and 2 is going into the right), right-of-way doesn't matter because they aren't trying to occupy the same space, so both can go simultaneously. In car 2's position, though, I would still yield because many people don't follow their lanes properly while turning and/or will make a lane change into the other lane without properly checking it, so waiting that extra second or two can reduce the risk of a collision even if it wouldn't actually be my fault if one happened. That's just good defensive driving.
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How can drivers not know dis
captpackrat posted...
If car 1 does not have a stop, they have the right of way.

If it is a 4-way stop, then the vehicle that arrives first has the right of way. If both arrive simultaneously, then the vehicle on the right goes first.
That's what I thought, thank you. I was car 1, and stopped briefly to signal my turn. Then car 2 just started barrelling out and I had to beat him to the turn. Made me question what I know and if I was in the wrong.

Thanks for the responses, y'all.
Hail Hydra
And no, it wasn't a four-way stop. The road I was coming down was a moderate business road. The side Car 2 was coming out of is an apartment complex and the street we were turning into was a neighborhood.
Hail Hydra
Please turn in your drivers license if you dont understand which had the right of way.
Yeah it's car 1 that gets to go.

If you are at a stop sign then you are a beta male encroaching on the alpha male road. But I get why the other car got confused when you stop like you're also at a stop sign.
That's a big emotion for failing a fundamental part of traffic law. Might want to seek to understand why you don't understand which car should stop when only one has a stop sign, rather than lashing out.

Oh, and turn in your driver's license.
Melody_JR posted...
That's a big emotion for failing a fundamental part of traffic law. Might want to seek to understand why you don't understand which car should stop when only one has a stop sign, rather than lashing out.

Oh, and turn in your driver's license.

I think TC was right all along though.
Yellow posted...

I think TC was right all along though.

Then they shouldn't be calling people losers when they have to question if they're correct. I stand behind my statement that you have to question such an obvious situation, you probably shouldn't be on the road.

That isn't to say that I am being obnoxiously specific about those who should surrender their privilege to drive. I think at least half of the people on the road shouldn't be allowed to operate a 2Ton motor vehicle.

Oh, if you thought I was responding to you, I wasn't. I just didn't want to quote what TC said.
Is this residential and is car 1 a cop and is car 2 me?
Generally speaking the priority for right-of-way is as follows:
1) Emergency vehicles with lights/sirens operating have right-of-way in all situations.
2) If you are being directed by a police officer, flag-person, or other manned traffic control, their instructions take priority over all other forms of traffic control.
3) Anyone who has a green light or no traffic control signage (i.e. yield/stop sign or similar) has right-of-way over other drivers who have red lights or traffic control signage, regardless of which direction they're turning/travelling.
4) If the intersection is uncontrolled:
-People going straight have right-of-way ahead of people who are turning
-People turning right have right-of-way ahead of people who are turning left (reverse if you live somewhere with left-side traffic).
5) At an intersection where all lanes of traffic have stop signs or blinking-red lights:
-Whoever comes to a complete stop first has right of way
-When two vehicles arrive at the intersection at the same time, the vehicle to the right has right-of-way (I'm honestly unsure if this is reversed for left-hand traffic countries). If the vehicles are on opposite sides of the intersection, a vehicle going straight or turning right has right-of-way over a vehicle turning left (in neither or both vehicles are turning left, both should be able to proceed at the same time without obstructing one another), once again reversed if driving on the left.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
I would add that if an intersection has a traffic light and the lights are non-functional, it should be treated as an all-way stop.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
captpackrat posted...
I would add that if an intersection has a traffic light and the lights are non-functional, it should be treated as an all-way stop.
It's amazing how many people don't know this. I live in a large city, and every time a traffic light goes out, there's people going 3, 4, 5 cars at a time (or more) instead of treating it like a stop sign.

It's like they must mentally think "oh, the car in front of me is moving, I need to keep moving too!" without even a second thought.
Sign here.
darkknight109 posted...
4) If the intersection is uncontrolled:
-People going straight have right-of-way ahead of people who are turning

An often-overlooked quirk of this is that if there's a bike on the right-hand side of the road and they're going straight, that gives them priority over people that are looking to turn across their route. If there's a proper bike lane (especially a protected one), this is often explicitly signed, but it applies to road-sharing circumstances as well. It should be common sense that regardless of explicit right-of-way laws, you shouldn't pass somebody with the intent of immediately cutting them off and forcing them to stop while you turn in front of them, but sadly common sense is decidedly less common among drivers than it ought to be, and that becomes significantly magnified when it comes to driving around bikes.
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In the long run we are all dead
What situation in real life has a 4 way intersection with stop signs in one direction and a light in the other direction

I say the guy with the light has the right of way only if he has a green light. Otherwise the stop sign guy has the right of way.
On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
I bet you say that to all the boys...
Krow_Incarnate posted...
That's what I thought, thank you. I was car 1, and stopped briefly to signal my turn. Then car 2 just started barrelling out and I had to beat him to the turn. Made me question what I know and if I was in the wrong.

Thanks for the responses, y'all.

You shouldn't have stopped briefly. Turn your signal on early and just make the turn. Car 2 probably got confused since you stopped, not that that absolves them.
The black dot has the right of way.
"Be excellent to each other... and... PARTY ON DUDES!" -Abraham Lincoln
darkknight109 posted...
Generally speaking the priority for right-of-way is as follows:
1) Emergency vehicles with lights/sirens operating have right-of-way in all situations.

I love how people can be confidently wrong.

This is utterly incorrect. An emergency vehicle with their lights and sirens on *MUST* verify an intersection is cleared and they can cross it safely in order to do so. Just having their lights and sirens on does *NOT* give them the right of way. Example a highway that has a speed limit of 55 mph with a traffic light on it. People going up the highway at legal 55mph wouldnt and cant stop in time if the emergency vehicle attempts to cross without verifying it is clear. The emergency vehicle MUST come up to the crossing and VERIFY that crossing traffic is stopped or clear. If there is an accident because the emergency vehicle attempted to cross against a light without doing this, they are 100% responsible.
Having right of way doesn't mean you can't be found responsible for an accident. If somebody misjudges how far away you are and pulls out from a stop sign when they should have waited for you to pass, and you can safely slow down/stop but instead choose to speed up and t-bone them, you're going to have a hard time painting them as being at fault for the accident.

In every scenario, having right of way means "other people are expected to yield to you." It never means "other people will always yield to you" or "other people will always be at fault if you run into them during this interaction," just that they are expected to yield (an expectation which may lead to consequences if they fail to do so, including fines or being assigned increased fault for a collision, depending on the situation). One of the core tenets of defensive driving is the philosophy of "you never have right of way until it is given to you," and while that's taking it to a bit of an extreme, it's still a good way to approach driving. You can expect people to yield according to the rules, but never assume that they will.

An emergency vehicle with lights and sirens has right of way in all circumstances. All other drivers are expected to yield to them as able. That doesn't mean an ambulance can blindly run red lights, but it does mean that a driver who wilfully enters an intersection that an ambulance is trying to cross can be found liable for obstructing them by failing to yield right of way as is expected of them. Common sense exceptions (like not expecting 55 mph traffic to stop on a dime because an ambulance is running a stop sign onto a highway) don't mean the emergency vehicles don't have right of way, they just acknowledge that it's not always safely possible to yield right of way to other vehicles regardless of who should have it.
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fettster777 posted...
You shouldn't have stopped briefly. Turn your signal on early and just make the turn. Car 2 probably got confused since you stopped, not that that absolves them.
Basically this. The only reason car 1 should have stopped was if there was oncoming traffic. Them stopping and not fully understanding how to drive properly made it a confusing situation for car 2.
Melody_JR posted...
I love how people can be confidently wrong.
I love the irony of you making this statement, then following it with a completely incorrect argument.

Emergency vehicles with lights-and-sirens *always* have right-of-way. If you see a vehicle with lights-and-sirens, you must slow down and give way. That is the law in every jurisdiction in the developed world. Look it up in your local laws and you'll find language something like this:
"On the immediate approach of an emergency vehicle giving an audible signal by a bell, siren or exhaust whistle, and showing a visible flashing red light, except when otherwise directed by a peace officer, a driver must yield the right of way, and immediately drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to the nearest edge or curb of the roadway, clear of an intersection, and stop and remain in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed." (Motor Vehicle Act, Part 3, Clause 177, British Columbia)
or this:
"Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle equipped with at least one lighted lamp exhibiting red light visible under normal atmospheric condition from a distance of five hundred feet to the front of such vehicle other than a police vehicle when operated as an authorized emergency vehicle, and when audible signal are sounded from any said vehicle by siren, exhaust whistle, bell, air-horn or electronic equivalent; the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right of way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway, or to either edge of a one-way roadway three or more lanes in width, clear of any intersection, and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed, unless otherwise directed by a police officer. (New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, Section 1444, Subclause a)

Does that mean emergency vehicles can blindly enter intersections in an unsafe manner? No, but that's not because they don't have right-of-way. If I have a green light and a car enters the intersection in front of me, against the light, I still have right-of-way, but that doesn't give me the right to T-bone them, and if I did so, I would similarly be at fault. Similarly, if an emergency vehicle isn't allowed to drive in a manner likely to cause an accident, even though they automatically have the right-of-way when they have lights-and-sirens active.

I thought I didn't need to state the zeroth rule of driving, which is that you're not allowed to deliberately cause an accident through malice or negligence, regardless of what any other rules say, but apparently some people need very simple concepts spelled out for them or else they'll make a feeble attempt at a "gotcha" to boost their own egos.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
Poll of the Day » Who has the right of way here?