AAA auto insurance

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » AAA auto insurance
Anyone have them?
I made a topic about insurance a while back. Now my auto insurance went way up again.
AAA seems like a decent company, but I've never had to use their services. Their prices are very affordable, too.
Warning: Sometimes biased
My auto insurance went waaaaay up to. When i first got my 2012 civic in 2015 i was paying 130 a month for coverage.

Over the years the price continuously gone up each year. Now in 2024 im paying 224 dollars a month for the same old ass 2012 civic. The car itself is only worth like 3k
Is your insurance provider Mapfre? That's who brokers auto insurance through AAA in my region but I don't know if it's the same for all AAAs nationwide.

But yeah I had Mapfre insurance thru AAA and they raised my rate once and that was enough for me. I have a clean driving record. The only reason I would tolerate a rate increase would be if I did something to muddy up that driving record.

When they raised my rate I called and tried to get an explanation but they didn't give one that was satisfactory to me. I told them they could revert the change or lose me as a customer. I'm now with a small, family-owned insurance agency, and my rates are less expensive.
What's better than roses on your piano?
Tulips on your organ.
Far-Queue posted...
Is your insurance provider Mapfre? That's who brokers auto insurance through AAA in my region but I don't know if it's the same for all AAAs nationwide.

But yeah I had Mapfre insurance thru AAA and they raised my rate once and that was enough for me. I have a clean driving record. The only reason I would tolerate a rate increase would be if I did something to muddy up that driving record.

When they raised my rate I called and tried to get an explanation but they didn't give one that was satisfactory to me. I told them they could revert the change or lose me as a customer. I'm now with a small, family-owned insurance agency, and my rates are less expensive.
Good fight. Im a sucker. They say the biggest reason behind the spike in our city is due to crime. Particularly the Kia Boyz

I thought AAA was just the towing/roadside assistance company
There are several regional AAA organizations, and they all have different insurance. The only one I've encountered that was any good was the Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club of Southern California. When Prop 103 passed, which forced insurance companies to lower their rates, the Auto Club was the only insurance company in California that didn't sue. They were also the only car insurance I've ever had that actually paid me a dividend at the end of the year.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Everyone's insurance premiums are going to continue to rise and there's nothing really you can do about it.
Jen0125 posted...
Everyone's insurance premiums are going to continue to rise and there's nothing really you can do about it.

Im planning on becoming a feral arctic fox witch and eschew the trappings of anything requiring insurance.
my insurance is $51.25/m
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
Poll of the Day » AAA auto insurance