Convergent evolution is awesome!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Convergent evolution is awesome!
Mammals and Birds (Crows and Parrots), as well as Cephalopods (Octopus, Cuttlefish, and Squid) are distantly related but they they all developed high intelligence!
PSN: killersalmon / Epic: aliensalmon1986
Nintendo Network Name: JohnJohn
I like how humans can genuinely be friends with octopuses despite the fact that their brain is shaped like a tube, our closest relative is the slug, they only live for a year, and they're completely anti-social creatures. They might as well be aliens, but we can still sense their emotions very clearly.
Yellow posted...
I like how humans can genuinely be friends with octopuses despite the fact that their brain is shaped like a tube, our closest relative is the slug, they only live for a year, and they're completely anti-social creatures. They might as well be aliens, but we can still sense their emotions very clearly.

Yep, just like aliens! Maybe the existence of cephalopods in addition to mammals and birds proves intelligent life is more common in the universe than we think?
PSN: killersalmon / Epic: aliensalmon1986
Nintendo Network Name: JohnJohn
I also think if they existed and could fly in spaceships they would think a lot like we do. That, and there's only so many ways you can do biochemistry.

I bet they would have two eyes. Even tardigrades have two eyes.
Yellow posted...
I also think if they existed and could fly in spaceships they would think a lot like we do. That, and there's only so many ways you can do biochemistry.

I bet they would have two eyes. Even tardigrades have two eyes.

I'd like to think the mentality of aliens would be similar to that of humans and some other mammals - I guess things like empathy and compassion would be advantageous characteristics - but I think there's more to biochemistry than what current science has shown.

Two eyes would be an advantageous characteristic to develop, though. 3-dimensional vision!
PSN: killersalmon / Epic: aliensalmon1986
Nintendo Network Name: JohnJohn
PikachuMaxwell posted...
I'd like to think the mentality of aliens would be similar to that of humans and some other mammals - I guess things like empathy and compassion would be advantageous characteristics - but I think there's more to biochemistry than what current science has shown.

Two eyes would be an advantageous characteristic to develop, though. 3-dimensional vision!
There was a lot of hype surrounding silicone based life forms and it turns out it's just not as good as carbon. It can't form the same variety of bonds needed to make so many things. I don't like to use the word "designed" but it seems like there's one great way to do life in our physics.

It would be cool to think of different ways a brain could be made but we don't really know how brains work at this point in time. I bet it would be a bunch of cells sending electric impulses no matter what.
Convergent evolution gave Argonians breasts
Convergent evolution made Gamefaqs turn into a Fandom shithole.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
That's why it always annoys me when people say humanoid aliens don't make any sense. Yes they do, especially if they evolve in a world designed by man for man, like Star Wars.
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Yellow posted...
There was a lot of hype surrounding silicone based life forms and it turns out it's just not as good as carbon. It can't form the same variety of bonds needed to make so many things. I don't like to use the word "designed" but it seems like there's one great way to do life in our physics.

It would be cool to think of different ways a brain could be made but we don't really know how brains work at this point in time. I bet it would be a bunch of cells sending electric impulses no matter what.

I can see what you mean regarding silicon...I guess carbon is the way to go for life!

Yeah, brains probably could exist in different ways.

Muscles posted...
That's why it always annoys me when people say humanoid aliens don't make any sense. Yes they do, especially if they evolve in a world designed by man for man, like Star Wars.

Totally agree about humanoid aliens! But I bet they're not the only type of aliens out there....
PSN: killersalmon / Epic: aliensalmon1986
Nintendo Network Name: JohnJohn
Evolution doesn't real.
Poll of the Day » Convergent evolution is awesome!