yet another pseudo gundam topic no one asked for

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Poll of the Day » yet another pseudo gundam topic no one asked for
id be concerned with it being unable to dry so it would still be goopy inside
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
I did not consider this possibility
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
i'm unsure if that would actually do anything detrimental though?
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
Nipple Missiles
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
i'm clearing the runners on greymon, and i get to d1 and it's just loaded
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
"Helly" is too extreme for Gundam
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.

look who's ba-ack

see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
A Seed kit?
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
no its 00 driver arc for the like

5th or 6th time
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
Oh I should have recognized the 00 skirt and thighs
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.

kinda wish these looked not not like wet cardboard

the drawers appeal to me, they'd juuuust make it to fit under the shelf
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
Those look like they were made by Nintendo's failed Labo thing
What would Bligh do?

it's all just probably 3-4 ply plywood that's been laser cut, but i don't like that look

ooo i should get a laser cutter
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
i have not touched 00 diver arc since i set his stuff up last month

why do i keep trying to avoid this fucker, there's nothing bad about it
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
redid the trapezoid, was tired of the slot for the files, it just didn't work

it has been un-trapezoided

there's also a really ugly fucked up layer line,

and that's because my printer encounter some sort of issue where it lost power for a second, so had to restart which was its own issue entirely despite it being able to do it

in the video there, not posting here because annoying, but it was that screen and the printer making this ear piercing siren sound that couldn't be stopped
see my gundams here
updated 08/01/24; hg mighty strike freedom
Poll of the Day » yet another pseudo gundam topic no one asked for
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