Honestly I think banks and law enforcement should start giving more attention...

Poll of the Day

...to the efforts of scambaiters.

In years past the usual advice was "we're not going to intervene on the tips of vigilantes, just ignore scam attempts and do not engage."

But in recent times scams have accelerated grossly and there are more domestic components to these scams. Letting scambaiters submit tips to investigate things like money mule accounts is genuinely disruptive to these scam attempts. With how many stories I see of people succumbing to scams on the news involving people who volunteer their own time to occupy, investigate, and disrupt scammers could have genuinely beneficial results. It's clear just relying on official channels isn't slowing the surge of digital scams so take the help where you can get it, I say.
Anyone who doesn't agree is part of the problem.