So what's the best version of Final Fantasy VIII to play?

Poll of the Day

FrozenBananas posted...
its one of my favorite games, but just be prepared for that orphanage scene again. It hasnt changed, and if it pissed you off before, it probably will again lol
I'm just gonna brace myself and hope that part of the game isn't as bad as I remember lol

ParanoidObsessive posted...
The version where you play literally any other game than FFVIII.

It's a very shit game.
To be fair... I die consider skipping. Ultimately decided it's been long enough that I should at least give it another chance.

Lokarin posted...
I got 100% on both PC versions of FF8 and I'd recommend the more recent version so you don't have to waste an entire weekend grinding
So there absolutely are QoL improvements that make it at least a little less... sloggy?
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