Do you like kids?

Poll of the Day

Flappers posted...
Now THIS kind of shit really irks me. People who hate kids just stay out of the way of people who like kids, but why do people who like kids always act like people who don't are all fucking psychopaths or something? It is so frustrating. I am absolutely repulsed by kids but I'd still easily jump in front of a car to save one. I understand the value of children. I hate to hear about children who get treated badly.

I can see why people would like kids. They are our future. They are innocent. They can be very sweet, they depend on you, they can even be like a part of you. Many people feel like they could never do anything more beautiful than raise another human being. I can sympathize with that. But for those of us who don't want kids of our own and don't like being around them it's different. Why can't you sympathize with that?

Some kids are alright, I mean, they're people who are all different. But kids, especially little ones, are also loud, annoying, stupid, disgusting, uncoordinated, and germ-ridden. Being pregnant, giving birth, and being postpartum is a genuinely awful experience. Your body will change in crazy ways and will never be the same. Financially you will probably never be where you once were or could have been. Mentally you will be exhausted. You can't do as much of the things you used to for fun. You lose years of time to yourself. Anyone who thinks it's easy to deal with kids either doesn't have any or had a loved one who would do all the hard parts for them. Part of what makes mothers and fathers so badass is how difficult their job is. It is NOT easy and it is NOT always fun! I respect the Hell out of parents.

But even if it's not your commitment and not your kid, some people just don't fuck with all that mess. Now I've met some genuine brats but that isn't to say it's always a kid's fault when they act badly in public, especially if they're really young. I don't blame them. I just don't want to be around them. Is it really that hard to understand that not liking kids doesn't equal being some sort of sociopath? Get over yourselves. There was no need to bring that kind of attitude here.

In fairness, we dont all do that.