Do you like kids?

Poll of the Day

Yellow posted...
Kids are little balls of sunshine?

I don't understand why the vast vocal majority of people online hate them on a deep level, I think it's off-putting. It's like high-minded progressive people in particular seem to be sprinting to make the logical choice to get neutered asap because they just never got over this hangup, and they get offended when you suggest maybe they have an issue.

Then they get pet dogs and cats and treat them like they're their kids to fill their maternal instinct they deny they have. The truth is that thing isn't a person, it's an overgrown rodent that's infesting your home. It will live 7 years and die making no impact on anything and it doesn't matter. You will never be able to connect or communicate with it on a real level, and you don't know what it's thinking. It won't look after you when you're old or give you purpose in life. You pretend you don't want commitment but you will maintain 4 of them at all times for the rest of your life, raising a bunch of stinking neutered animals as your legacy. You talk to them and make inside jokes with them like they can hear you the same way a schizo talks to the voices in their head.

10 people hate me now.

Well aren't you a little fucking ray of sunshine. Calm down a little.

Pets are less of an investment that kids. Only weird people truly see them as kids. Humans like to take care of things and that isn't exclusive just to seeing oneself as a parent. Imagine getting so offended by the fact that some people don't want the lifelong physical, mental, and financial commitment that having a kid takes and just want a damn puppy or something instead Imagine having such a lack of empathy that you call people who talk to their pets "schizos" It ain't like we're trying to have conversations with them, Yellow. They just like the sounds of our voices even if they can't understand them, and it's just fun to talk to something even if it can't talk back. Nothing wrong with coming home after a hard day of work and talking to your golden retriever while petting them. Haven't you ever just talked to yourself to try and calm yourself down a bit? Have you ever heard of an inner monologue? It isn't much different. What the Hell are you talking about? Are you okay?

Again, this is what I'm saying about people who are fine with kids acting like anyone who doesn't is some fucking lunatic. Grow up a little and try to see a perspective outside of your own.

I'll add that a lack of empathy for animals is a common manifestation in people who really ARE psychopaths. Not saying you are one, but you are legitimately the type of person I would not trust irl. Have a little compassion. I wouldn't trust you to feed my cat if I'm not home, let alone be near children with that attitude. Children who, by the way, often love family pets.
I call Cthulhu "daddy"