Do you like kids?

Poll of the Day

ZayKayWill posted...
..... I don't see why it's funny that I asked a legitimate question that I don't know the answer to, but okay.

It's fine. Information on the opposite sex is generally pretty piss-poor in this country. Sex-ed too, I mean, plenty of adult women don't even understand their own bodies. Everyone else made the right point. Sadly women tend to be treated like shit a lot in medicine, even in this day and age. Plus with a vasectomy men can go home with pen meds and a care regimen suggested by their doctor. For a woman a doctor might just tell you take some tylenol and suck it up, despite the fact that female sterilization is a more precise surgical procedure than a vasectomy. Doctors in America are notorious for dismissing women's health complaints, to the point that many women never receive an endometriosis diagnosis until it's too late, if ever at all. We get less pain medication and anesthesia than what is prescribed to men. This country has the worst women's healthcare out of any wealthy "first-world" nation and we also have the highest childbirth mortality rate. On top of just our healthcare being shitty in the first place, being a woman means most likely getting on or two doctor horror stories under your belt throughout your life. It's one of the many reasons I want to leave America someday tbh

I call Cthulhu "daddy"