SBF gets 25 Years...

Poll of the Day

Not enough time, considering the circumstances. He stole 8 billion . Madoff got 150 years for his ponzi scheme.

On top of the amount SBF stole, he's shown little remorse. His apologies don't come across as genuine. They come across as his lawyers telling him "you gotta act contrite if you're gonna survive this". His reaction to the sentencing was more like he was lamenting the inconvenience of the sentence on him personally rather than recognizing that he is being punished for crimes that he has been found guilty of. "I guess I let people down" isn't exactly owning up to the weight of the crime, and is a feeble attempt to apologize to the victims of his crimes

Assuming he doesn't earn a more lenient sentence through appeal and has to serve the full 25, he'll be like 50 when he gets out.

White collar crime continues to prove to be a worthwhile gambit, it seems