Why did trickle down economics not work?

Poll of the Day

Well , it was nice of you to provide numbers to back up your point.

So, here's a few to mull over.

Under Reagan , the economy set a new record for consecutive monthly growth, which was broken during the Clinton administration.

So, let's compare their administrations.

Taking the year after their inauguration and ending with the year they left office.

Comparing 82 to 89 under the Reagan administration:
Federal individual income tax revenues increased 49.7%
Corporate income tax revenues increased 110%
Payroll tax revenues increased 78.4%

Comparing 94 to 2001 under the Clinton administration:
Federal income tax revenues increased 83%
Corporate income tax revenues increased 7.5%
Payroll tax revenues increased 50.4%

Now , there was an pronounced unusual drop in corporate revenue from 2000 to 2001.
Using the 2000 number , the increase would come in at 47.6% , still less than half of Reagan's increase.