Are you a violent person?

Poll of the Day

ItIsSoOver posted...
I am a deeply aroused by and fascinated with violence, but I haven't had much cause to enact it myself. Certainly not to the point of considering myself violent.

I'm sure I'd be capable of it if the scenario called for it, but I've spent most of my life getting away from the lower classes that have more of a tendency to commit and require it.

I find it odd I'm not violent. Most fights I've been in I did swing first but as said almost all my fights have been with friends or my brother. The one fight I can think of that wasn't I didn't swing first but I did reach out and grab the guy. He was obliterated high and I was trying to put him in cuffs. So that was more me just trying to do my job
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process