Been playing Apollo Trilogy (spoilers?)

Poll of the Day

Case 3, initial impressions. Feels like it has been a while, since I played a somewhat regular AA case for the first time, without the story just telling you who did it.

Initial guess, the story wants us to suspect Means, Robin and Hugh. Which would imply to me they have random, unrelated, reveals that will take up some time in court.

Robin Newman: gender neutral name and "New man", leads me to believe the reveal is that Robin is either a transman, or a woman crossdressing.
Hugh O'Connor: Huge and O''Conner', going by his looks, he is lying about his age for some reason? He looks older than half the "young" cast, despite being listed as 18.

Means: would be my guess for the actual killer. Connecting neatly to the myth arc and all that.

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