shitty gundam topic 8: so unbelievably mad right now

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Poll of the Day » shitty gundam topic 8: so unbelievably mad right now
ordered two kits, rg crossbone, and rg wing zero ew

both "new", both from a "reputable" and "recommended" store

both boxes are covered in a sticky gross dust. why sticky? because they both reek of likely years of ciagrette smoke residue. okay. they're sealed in bags though and i don't keep the boxes, so it should be fine, yeah?

even though the crossbone had the little plastic strips on it keeping the box closed, someone was very obviously in here. it's also covered in cigarette tar, and whoever was trying to build it used apparently regular fucking pliers on it because the gates are absolutely mangled.

the wing is fine, it's still all in its bags, but how do i even trust that at this point
RG Crossbone has tons of very tiny pieces; I'd get a replacement
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
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a new mobile game comes out tomorrow

well, "new", it's been out for a few years in japan
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
this mobile game is boring
my suits are all ass

the game expects me to be stronger than i am apparently because i have reached a point in the "story" where i can't beat because i'm not strong enough, but i literally an unable to actually upgrade anything on my machines

it's not for a lack of currencies or parts or whatever, it's that i physically cannot do anything to them anymore, they are as upgraded as they can be

i'm not even sure how they would expect you to be able to pay your way out of this, if this is a pay to proceed situation like old mobile games of yore

and i'm not even sure what the choice of suits in the game are, it's all over the place

we have apparently the entirety of the first gundam series and its related movies, and yet nu gundam is nowhere to be seen? this is like one of the iconic suits? supposedly zeta and zz are in the game, but i have never seen one, and checking all the drop rate lists in game there isn't actually any playable z gundam in the game, but you sure can go through its story!

i get the whole "they need content for later" aspect, but they have just wild shit in here i wouldn't
would you expect victory gundam over like, idk, sazabi?

we got full armor from thunderbolt, but no f91. hell, that gundam is even on the cover-art. so is zeta, for that matter.
also, i'm gonna try and complete the crossbone. i washed the runners in hot as fuck super dawny dishsoaped water, i put a little catch on the drain to catch any pieces that could fall off, none did to the best of my knowledge, i cleaned the two legs and the core unit/backpack as best i could.

then i trimmed them up so they at least look better and pieces fit better, and sanded surface scuffs.

i followed the guild for them enough to sus out that there isn't any missing parts so they used everything, and it all seems mechanically fine, the legs aren't moving weird or anything

i think we're good? i'm cautiously optimistic at the very least. i guess i'm lucky it's only the legs and core, and the core was molded out so the gates on them are easy enough to clean so it looks fairly decent imo. just don't look to closely at the feet or back of the legs. oh, and the stickers were untouched inside the booklet, so glad i leafed through that to check what's missing from the runners instead of just digitally. because i absolutely wouldn't have opened it for anything else, at least not while building it.
Hidden dagger is my favorite weapon
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
I'm confused on my RG Sazabi model. Started working on the arms and the image of the pieces implies that a part slides down or something when it looks solid.
"But don't give up hope. Everyone is cured sooner or later. In the end we shall shoot you." - O'Brien, 1984
RG Sazabi is in my backlog but I haven't gotten to it yet; I have heard that some of the joints can break if you aren't careful in assembling
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
my first thought was that it was a frame on runner rg, but looking at the book it doesn't seem to be, so im not sure what issue you would be having there

what step on it? im not seeing any pieces on the arm that looks like something needs to slide
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Thankfully I dodged the shoulder bullet from what I can tell.

So, my issue is on step 06-4 with part B2/K12. The first step is to swing the big joint/hole down from the connecting piece that inserts into K12. But the diagram makes it look like the piece doesn't swing down but slides down. The physical part has an empty space but the drawing looks like it's filled with something.
"But don't give up hope. Everyone is cured sooner or later. In the end we shall shoot you." - O'Brien, 1984
i decided to customize the little pen cup i got from walmart, it was the same one that i had magneted to the top of the little runner shelf. a while ago i ended up just screwing it into the side of the table.

anyways, it looks like this

so i took the dimensions of it, then roughly changed it because i don't like using milimeters. i can do it, but it's not easier than inches for me. so it's very slightly larger. in mm it's an 87x87x87mm cube. that's almost 3 1/2 inches, so i just made it that.

anyways, i wanted individual slots for the nippers, and to isolate the markers and sanders. so

it would have rounded edges if i uh, knew how to do that in the particular cad software i was using.

it's printing now,

i was gonna use white, but uh, i happened to have a nice bright red.
this is what i got going on rn

so what i'm replacing. i'm hoping to just consolidate into the one printed holder. some of those markers i don't need so everything should fit fine. i also don't need that longblade there, i just use it to cut sponges, which

are over on the right there, so the knife can just go there. i printed the front tray a few days ago because i got tired of stabbing myself on that fuckin knife no matter where i put it because i'd inevitably put it in blade up. it's not custom, i just grabbed a box from printables and resized it, so while it works, it turned out to be pretty thin. i'll probably make one myself that's a little more sturdy. doesn't need to be that long, either.

anyways, long story to say i got tired of having them just hang off of magnets. i still think it looked cool, but i also know that it really didn't look cool and it wasn't as easy to use as it looked. this is better.

you may ask why i don't just put the other nips in where that knife is, and the answer is that i wanna remove that box entirely because it interferes with the tablet arm
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.

well that's not ideal
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
"Salt cures Everything!"
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it's proceeding well. they also refunded my whole order and let me do with them as i please

it was just these two though

the rg wing not the megazord i was just putting it back together after my kid played with it
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
aw yeah lets go with another failed print babyyyyyy

it can still be made smaller, but that's not going to fix my filament issues which are causing the fails. it's fuckin tangled on the spool, from the factory it's tangled. i was using a while spool before i switched to red, and it took me pulling off around half the spool to get out all the tangles, so i'm just writing off every roll from this specific company

so that's about $120 to just throw away because i stupidly bought a LOT of this brand for some reason, even though it's only $1 cheaper than the known good brand i was using.
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.

i snipped this part, 07-3 a34, and it flew across the room faster than i could even register and immediately wrote it off

i went to fill the animals water dishes down here and it was in the dogs bowl

if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
I think the mouth is a heat vent or something in the manga

I had to glue the V-fin on mine; I assumed it was because I had accidentally over snipped something

And yeah Crossbone is a Smol Boi canonically
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Metalsonic66 posted...
I had to glue the V-fin on mine; I assumed it was because I had accidentally over snipped something

no i just think it's loose by default

it's just a sample size of 2 now, but it happened to both of us, so...
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
Shrek posted...
no i just think it's loose by default
Y'know who ELSE is loose by default?

PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
that's a weird thing to say

but i'm intrigued at the looseness

v4 is good. i am content.
why can't every fuckin gundam hold weapons like crossbone goddamn that is solid
i have a confession to make

i don't know what anything is.

i think it's too, too far gone. we have everything except for pg, since i haven't done any pg's, in these boxes

i think it's time to just throw it up on ebay or something as a bulk parts misc lot, and start anew.

i'd be keeping all the still like, built parts. i can sus out shields and backpacks. and keep the weapons. but everything else needs to be written off
Should one order a $7000 love gundam?
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
dalongs website seems to be down, boooo


crossbone has lost his boney head
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison

green on black or black on blue white

honestly I kinda want like a little itty bitty screen bar lcd lmao

wildly unnecessary 100% tho
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
ConfusedTorchic posted...
i have a confession to make

i don't know what anything is.

i think it's too, too far gone. we have everything except for pg, since i haven't done any pg's, in these boxes

i think it's time to just throw it up on ebay or something as a bulk parts misc lot, and start anew.

i'd be keeping all the still like, built parts. i can sus out shields and backpacks. and keep the weapons. but everything else needs to be written off
Keep it on the sprue until you're ready to build my dude, don't be like me with 50+ warhammer models ready to be built scattered all over my living space
What would Bligh do?
these are leftover parts that weren't used in whatever kit they came from

no reason to have them take up space by keeping them on runners
Green on black

Also I have several bits boxes going now lol
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.

they're making armored core kits now

they didn't really show anything, the video is a whole lot of literally nothing
i made changes to my table setup again, nothing big or huge. i removed the light strips because they weren't really doing anything for me. the idea was for them to backlight the runner trays but the actual overhead lamp just cancelled it out.

removing them let me push back the shelf again though. i had to move it forward to get the strips to where they could be and i never really liked that because it felt like i was losing space.

on the shelf i just lowered it to the bottom level, of which there are two. no real reason, just didn't need to be that high. also took off that bar i had in the back, always meant to for a long while since it made longer runners sit crooked and, particularly where i put the A runners at, would have them slide off when i moved the table around.

i removed the large metal plate i was using to magnetize the in-progress stuff + stickers to. i replaced it with the metal plate inside a bakugan card. dunno where it'd be best to place it yet but it's there for now. also got a ruler there on the side but i don't imagine i'll actually use it much. it's aluminum so i couldn't just use it to keep the stickers in place, either, else i just would. maybe i'll just look for an actual steel thin ruler. i also took the plate out of a bakugan hex token, so i could also try that over the bigger card

i'm just procrastinating right now
ugh, now i'm thinking that i could just rip apart a bunch of bakugan cards and just cover the table in little steel plates

i think the gaps where the plates meet would annoy me too much to try, but i can probably do another card and test...
i hate wings angel wings jesus christ so many lines
Ver Ka?
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
nah rg wing zero ew

the one with the angel wings
Steel's heavier than feathers
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
back to the spare aerial, to test out some new nippers

apparently i had already done the head (but i don't remember what i was testing), except for the clear plastic piece, and i guess i nipped it out but never put it on, because it's not on the head, or the runner, and it's not in the box


i can prolly color in the area a bit to make it look better, but what do i do

about the hole
Could probably make a replacement part with styrene sheets, but it wouldn't be the same.
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
i think i was testing out other ways to panel line, pretty sure i just used some form of sharpie on the head.
Poll of the Day » shitty gundam topic 8: so unbelievably mad right now
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