Gnostic Christianity makes so much more sense then regular Christianity

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Poll of the Day » Gnostic Christianity makes so much more sense then regular Christianity
Why did they cut out the part where yhwh is the evil creator god and Jesus comes to save people from him? If yhwh was omnipotent, omniscient and all loving there wouldn't be evil and Jesus wouldn't need to come and save anyone but if he's coming from a higher God that's pissed at yhwh for being a shitty creator god it makes so much more sense why he couldn't just forgive people himself.
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I gree
Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious.
Christianity would be way more fun and would have way more people interested if it were written like a battle Shonen. Maybe if Jesus and his apostles were there at the start, and each of them had their own nutty power.

or do the jojo thing and every book is its own part of a huge story
"You're not a good person, you'll never be one, you'll never even convince anyone to mistakenly believe you to be one." -HCE to me
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In my opinion, Gnosticism is a lot more conceptually valid than Christianity. It's also infinity more terrifying if it were true. It doesn't have any kind of an endgame. Just mankind trapped in an infinite inescapable cycle, with the only players capable of stopping it, being completely indifferent to our very existence. No surprise it didn't win history's favor.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
Christianity is all about obedience and pacifying the populace which was much more important in early Europe than yet another sect of paganism.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
Ozmose posted...
In my opinion, Gnosticism is a lot more conceptually valid than Christianity. It's also infinity more terrifying if it were true. It doesn't have any kind of an endgame. Just mankind trapped in an infinite inescapable cycle, with the only players capable of stopping it, being completely indifferent to our very existence. No surprise it didn't win history's favor.
I mean if the light father, or whatever we want to call him, sent Jesus in to save us from yhwh, the corrupt creator god, then you'd think he cares at least somewhat
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Muscles posted...
I mean if the light father, or whatever we want to call him, sent Jesus in to save us from yhwh, the corrupt creator god, then you'd think he cares at least somewhat
It's been a long time since I've read through all of it, but If I recall correctly it went something like this. The creator god of this realm Sameal (the demiurge) abandoned the celestial realm in protest of being shirked of his rank. The actual supreme god and just about everyone else could care less that he did it. The one that did, was the wife of the celestial god. She sent her son to try to help. That's where things get a bit fuzzy depending on what texts you go off of. The post Christianity texts say that this was Jesus, while the earlier writings seem to imply this was actually Lucifer. That was why he led Eve to the tree of knowledge. In a sense, to show them the nature of their creator, and the prison they were bound to. It also explains the severe punishment that followed. I guess you could kinda compare the fruit of the tree, to the red pill in the Matrix. There's a lot more to it but damned if I can remember. Either way you look at it, the one attempt to save mankind failed.

I really should go back and read through everything. It's been well over a decade.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
We could have had a religion based on a cool god like Priapus, Aphrodite, Dionysus, ostre, or Epona.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Poll of the Day » Gnostic Christianity makes so much more sense then regular Christianity