Babe wake up, new Folding Ideas just dropped

Poll of the Day

Yellow posted...
Yeah I remember the stock cults. Total trash in terms of making money. You just invest in a stock and it becomes a terrible gang of human nature on all forums. In the better areas you would have voices of reason, but GME was heinous because you had all these people that lost their life savings, and there's no possible way they were going to not go full sunken cost schizophrenia.

(don't read the following until you watch the whole video, seriously)

The GME cult described in the video is very severe. Turns out no one actually made money except the ones that orchestrated the pump and dump. It's insane that it evolved into a cult that actually expected to overthrow the "global" market and take over the country. He took a look at one, but this is common across all tickers. Endless uneducated speculation building on itself, unintelligent mobs shouting slogans.

Like, uhh, we're here to make money?...

Yeah I remember when it was happening, and the price was like $500, I was on WSB telling people "sell! sell! sell!" and even then, I knew there's pretty much no way it can go much higher than this, and I hadn't even bought in, and I was trying to help people realize they were at the top, they were telling me to stop spreading FUD. Then in the following days all the weird culty shit started to pop up, and I was like "guys. you missed your chance, there's no short squeeze coming, the action already happened." and I was just downvoted into oblivion, so I stopped trying to help them, because they didn't want help.
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