Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth looks phenomenal

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth looks phenomenal
I cannot wait to play this.

If this game is even remotely as good as Remake, oh man

Theres gonna be so much music and things to see and fight in this game
GTag/PSN: MechaknightX [] Switch ID: SirMecha [][]
'Cloud, this isn't a normal reactor! It's the Chemical Plant Zone'
I am very hyped for it.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
I'd love to get excited, but I probably won't be able to play it untill late 2025 when the PC version comes out.
Final Fantasy hasn't looked good in 20 years.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
It looks really good. I'm looking forward to having the whole soundtrack on repeat for hours
Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious.
Judgmenl posted...
Final Fantasy hasn't looked good in 20 years.
girls like my fa
The soundtrack for the first one still impresses the shit outta me
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
ReturnOfFa posted...
I randomed a value.
Square-Enix as a company has never been good. Squaresoft was the company that made good games. Enix was the company that paid Yuji Hori for games.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
Judgmenl posted...
Final Fantasy hasn't looked good in 20 years.

This is wrong. It's FFXVI that's not FF but Devil May Cry.
I love Lord Jesus, Family Matters (for Steve & Laura which I typed up a beautiful alt from Just One Date episode) and FFIX (for Zidane & Garnet).
People said the same thing about FFXIII.
Stupid final fantasy racist against Xbox! Will we ever get it?
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
I thought Remake was on Xbox now
GTag/PSN: MechaknightX [] Switch ID: SirMecha [][]
'Cloud, this isn't a normal reactor! It's the Chemical Plant Zone'
Metalsonic66 posted...
The soundtrack for the first one still impresses the shit outta me
The soundtrack for the first one was probably the only thing that impressed me about it.

Well... OK, that's not 100% fair, the ambience and graphics were pretty fuckin' amazing at points.

But just... the core of the game didn't land for me. The story pacing was terrible, the newly expanded characters were awful (why exactly am I supposed to give a shit about the love life of Don Corneo's bodyguard?), the battle system was mediocre at best (and the AI for your allies was absolute dogshit, necessitating that you had to scroll between all three characters in order to not have them randomly standing around blocking nothing for half the fight) and it lacked most of the charm of the original.

I did platinum it, but I have absolutely no desire to ever go back and play it again.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
darkknight109 posted...
The soundtrack for the first one was probably the only thing that impressed me about it.

Well... OK, that's not 100% fair, the ambience and graphics were pretty fuckin' amazing at points.

The wall climb. I know that environment was mostly skybox, but god damn that is the most impressive skybox I've ever seen.

Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
I thought the battle system was great
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Metalsonic66 posted...
I thought the battle system was great
Maybe it's just that I haven't played a Final Fantasy game since X on the PS2 years ago, but it just struck me as trying to do too much.

Throughout the game you switch between four characters in your party who have four completely different fighting styles, which you have to learn the nuances of if you want to be effective with them. Switching between them is pretty much mandatory, especially on hard mode, both because the AI your teammates use is dumb as a bag of hammers and because the enemy AI focuses on whoever the player-controlled character is. Each character has their normal attacks, their special ability (like Cloud's punisher stance or Barrett's overcharge), the skills you learn from each weapon (which have to be unlocked by playing a certain way with that weapon); you have to manage their ATB gauge, dodge, guard, or parry enemy attacks at the right moment, figure out when to time your abilities to avoid getting interrupted by the enemy (which, bizarrely, still burns the ATB charge but doesn't trigger the ability); you have to learn what enemies are weak to what attributes and manage your materia accordingly, figure out how to pressure/stagger them... like, it's just trying to do too much and involves too much micromanaging.

If the game had wanted to focus on a solid, flowing real-time combat experience in the vein of something like God of War, I could get behind that, but it doesn't because you spend too much time dicking around in menus during the fight. If it wanted to focus on a more tactical, cerebral, group-based combat, I think that would have been ideal because it's the closest to the original's turn-based combat (a mechanic that's no longer de rigueur, and more's the pity, but whatever), but it doesn't because your AI-controlled allies are morons and also won't use most of their abilities unless you're controlling them. Instead, it tries to blend all those elements together and just feels worse for it.

Funny story, at the same time I was playing FF7R I also played Trials of Mana, another Squeenix remake of an RPG from the 90s with a three-person real time battle system. In my view, Trials was a far superior combat engine (despite the game seemingly being made using whatever bits of spare change Squeenix could dig out of their couch) and winds up being the much more enjoyable experience. That was a game that felt like it properly modernized an old game without abandoning the elements that made it fun.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
MechaKirby posted...
I thought Remake was on Xbox now

nope just ps4/5 and Microsoft Windows
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
ReturnOfFa posted...

The year of X-2; Yuna did look good.
Remarstered posted...
The year of X-2; Yuna did look good.

Y.R.P.all 3 of them looked good
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint

As expected, Rebirth ends at the City of the Ancients. So then FF7R3 will encompass discs 2 and 3 of the original, plus probably some new stuff.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
one disc of attachment to aeris was bad enough, the millenials are never gonna shut the fuck up about this.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
darkknight109 posted...
Maybe it's just that I haven't played a Final Fantasy game since X on the PS2 years ago, but it just struck me as trying to do too much.

Throughout the game you switch between four characters in your party who have four completely different fighting styles, which you have to learn the nuances of if you want to be effective with them. Switching between them is pretty much mandatory, especially on hard mode, both because the AI your teammates use is dumb as a bag of hammers and because the enemy AI focuses on whoever the player-controlled character is. Each character has their normal attacks, their special ability (like Cloud's punisher stance or Barrett's overcharge), the skills you learn from each weapon (which have to be unlocked by playing a certain way with that weapon); you have to manage their ATB gauge, dodge, guard, or parry enemy attacks at the right moment, figure out when to time your abilities to avoid getting interrupted by the enemy (which, bizarrely, still burns the ATB charge but doesn't trigger the ability); you have to learn what enemies are weak to what attributes and manage your materia accordingly, figure out how to pressure/stagger them... like, it's just trying to do too much and involves too much micromanaging.

If the game had wanted to focus on a solid, flowing real-time combat experience in the vein of something like God of War, I could get behind that, but it doesn't because you spend too much time dicking around in menus during the fight. If it wanted to focus on a more tactical, cerebral, group-based combat, I think that would have been ideal because it's the closest to the original's turn-based combat (a mechanic that's no longer de rigueur, and more's the pity, but whatever), but it doesn't because your AI-controlled allies are morons and also won't use most of their abilities unless you're controlling them. Instead, it tries to blend all those elements together and just feels worse for it.

I realize you acknowledge it a little but none of it is any more complicated than the some of the classic FF systems including those in the OG FF7, I think this comes across as being heavily biased and looking for things to complain about because you're not used to them or you were looking to dislike them in the first place, like the fact you're complaining that HARD MODE, the mode you only unlock after beating the game atleast once, expects you to have learned the system and play well, like no shit? Half the things you listed are optional Materia which are by no means required, I think I only ever guarded attacks at the start of the game. Pressure/Stagger is pretty much the same thing as weakness exploiting, and you don't need to memorize enemy weaknesses because that's literally one of the first Materia you can get automatically does it once you scan them and you can permanently view it for free after. You don't have to "play a certain way" to unlock weapon skills, you just have to use the skill around 10 times across fights.

I agree the AI is kinda bad, it's only really noticeable on Aerith though who in my game loved to hug a Behemoths testicles and repeatedly died to it in an arena half the size of a football field.

The game has issues, but gameplay isn't one of them, for the most part.
When are they going to stop calling it a remake?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Judgmenl posted...
Final Fantasy hasn't looked good in 20 years.

"There's a battle ahead, many battles are lost, but you'll never see the end of the road while you're traveling with me."
It's been my most hyped game since part one came out.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
Cruddy_horse posted...
I realize you acknowledge it a little but none of it is any more complicated than the some of the classic FF systems including those in the OG FF7
OG FF7 had attack, magic/summon/skill (which were basically just alternate ways of dealing damage), and use item. It was seriously not a complex system, to the point where it would be considered underdone by modern RPG standards. Contrast that with, say, the Kiseki/Trails series, which is one of the last bastions of turn-based combat JRPGs; those games have much higher complexity than any of the "classic" (i.e. FFX and earlier) Final Fantasy games, yet they're still amazingly fun games.

Cruddy_horse posted...
I think this comes across as being heavily biased and looking for things to complain about because you're not used to them or you were looking to dislike them in the first place
And as soon as you start dictating to me why I dislike a game, you immediately start losing my respect.

No, chief, this was not me "wanting to dislike the game" or "not being used to it" - again, I played another Squeenix remake with a similar real-time 3D battle system at the exact same time and I fuckin' loved it. And trust me, I really did want to like FF7R as well. I've been hoping for an FF7 remake for decades now and I really wanted this one to be good and was disappointed it wasn't.

Like, seriously, I'm "biased"? Biased in favour of what?

Cruddy_horse posted...
like the fact you're complaining that HARD MODE, the mode you only unlock after beating the game atleast once, expects you to have learned the system and play well, like no shit?
Playing the system "well", in this case, means a blocky, unfluid experience that isn't fun, because you're constantly having to shift characters and gameplay styles and can never get a decent rhythm going, because the game can't decide whether it wants you to dick around in sub-menus for a few minutes or play a GoW-style beat-'em'up.

Cruddy_horse posted...
Half the things you listed are optional Materia which are by no means required
Literally a single thing I mentioned had to do with materia.

Cruddy_horse posted...
Pressure/Stagger is pretty much the same thing as weakness exploiting, and you don't need to memorize enemy weaknesses because that's literally one of the first Materia you can get automatically does it once you scan them and you can permanently view it for free after
I said "learn", not "memorize". What I mean by that is whenever you enter into a new area, you need to reconfigure your materia because you're set up to cast, say, fire and ice when the enemy is weak to thunder or some shit like that.

And yeah, you can avoid doing that if you don't mind your fights being long, tedious, and annoying.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
Revelation34 posted...
When are they going to stop calling it a remake?

Technically called a "reimagining" in the store description.
The combat is busy but it's the good kind of busy

It all comes together when you fight something that can take a hit
GTag/PSN: MechaknightX [] Switch ID: SirMecha [][]
'Cloud, this isn't a normal reactor! It's the Chemical Plant Zone'
Poll of the Day » Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth looks phenomenal