Are you bothered by slang and improper grammar?

Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » Are you bothered by slang and improper grammar?
Azn_Psycho posted...
Literally being incorrectly used as figuratively triggers me
No one uses 'literally' to mean 'figuratively'. People do use a hyperbolic form of 'literally' as an intensifier, but it doesn't mean 'figuratively'. As it is almost always flagrantly obvious when someone is using hyperbolic 'literally', it can exist perfectly well alongside literal 'literally'.

Now, the one thing about the English language that I do take issue with is the use of 'candelabras'. That's a plural of a plural, and it's literally wrong.
The problem with the internet today is that it's filled with entire generations that did not grow up with the great wisdom of the Wyld Stallyns.
dainkinkaide posted...
That's a plural of a plural, and it's literally wrong.
edit: how do you make gifs work on this website wtf

pretend i posted leonardo decaprio pointing
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Yes I is.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Oddly it bugs me more in writing (posts on Facebook for example) than just hearing it spoken.

I guess cause I can see how stupid it looks.

I remember someone tried insulting me saying I wrote too professionally on social media. And I was like bitch I don't even use proper punctuation I just use real words and actually fully spell them out.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Poll of the Day » Are you bothered by slang and improper grammar?
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