Community Valfaris play through topic

Poll of the Day

Had a Valfaris giveaway where ten people were gifted Valfaris!
If you want to grab the game or gift other people the game, please do! I would give away more copies but theres a limit on how many you can buy. Link in the give away topic, its only one dollar!

This will be the play through topic for the game! Post about your play through, dont feel inclined to play it right away if you werent ready yet but I thought it might be fun to have community topic on it!

General Tips:
  • Use idols to create checkpoints
  • Getting Idols increases health maximum, losing them does the opposite
  • Obtaining idols over your limit is a waste other then for healing
  • A set number of Idols can be exchanged for Blood Medals at the end of the level.
  • Blood Medals are used to upgrade weapons
  • Blood medals can be found in nooks and crannies, dont miss any!

My playthrough of level 1:
Beat the first level again for the first time in a while. Man I forgot how amazing this game was and how intense just the full level is, multiple bosses? Damn lol. My hubris got the better of me thinking I could beat the whole thing without setting any checkpoints. Then it turns out you can out exchange 2 idols for b. medals at the end of the 1st level. Pretty sure it increases by 1 each time. Anyways, the second machine dog killed me multiple times. Its so satisfying to deflect its missiles back at him though. The basic pistol is pretty good upgraded but decided to go with the bastard sword in hopes that the higher raw damage weapon will get better with range upgrades.

twylite sprinkle