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Poll of the Day » Anime, Manga, VN, JRPG, Related Things Discussion Topic CI
someone kill the other topic, it's kind of pissing me off watching the last ten posts last weeks

starting up Demons Roots which is apparently god-tier RPGmaker
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
I'm still really behind on this season and still haven't watched Oshi no Ko yet. Basically a mixture of Runescape (trying to get 1000 Raksha KC) and Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection have really messed this up for me.
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
i've slain it
Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition approved by EU regulators
I want to watch Demon Slayer season 2 and 3(?) but my mom's netflix subscription won't let me on anymore
bamboozled by helly again
Watched the latest heavenly delusion and theory has also changed. Also saw some stuff in the comments that I didn't figure out (and kind of suspect they were manga readers pretending to be smart) but is technically possible to figure out anime only so far.

Dr Usami and Hoshio are in fact mimihime and shiro, completely confirming the timeline. The very limited proof for this is the button usami is holding. I thought initially it was a coin, but in this newest episode it is confirmed to be a button and hearing that it's clear to see it's from the school uniforms in heaven. Shiro has white hair and the correct eye color and his "power" seems to be tinkering with machinery. After the metaphor of usami stepping out from the light and into the darkness in his last conversation with maru we see mimihime have a premonition in the past where the dark is encroaching on her before suddenly someone else comes to her in the darkness. Additionally, mimihime has shiro's grey eyes in this premonition as opposed to her normal blue eyes.

All of this confirms the heaven portions are in the past and heavily imply that maru is tokio's son. From the story teller in episode 9 we see a picture of asura with wings in the sky just before the collapse and it's in the takahara school as a drawing on the wall as well. We also see Kona has the ability to bring to life his imagination by cutting the girl with the sword of light making me lean towards him being creator of the man eaters.

The other interesting idea from the story tellers are the meteor. While it almost certainly didn't impact the earth, I would expect heaven's destined day to be talking about the day the meteor comes close to earth. That or the children of heaven were created with alien DNA found on the meteor as it was close to earth. It's possible all 3 stories are true and that earth went to war over the outcome of the children of heaven made with alien DNA from the meteor. Oh, or maybe asura with his psychic powers drags the meteor into earth causing a catastrophe that ignites war.

IThe new assistant director of heaven seemed to be genuinely worried about tokio and probably needs that "level 4 clearance" in order to help the kids escape. That's a bit flimsy though. Trying to look back at the girl who gave kiruko the gun, I saw tokio looking at a wall of pictures in episode 2. We can see some interesting things. Firstly what looks like a bunch of asura's in the sky, 4 people with their heads connected, the drawing of the whales above the people we see drawn in episode 9, a large person surrounded by either people or a cave, an embryo sac with wings lookin thing with 2 humanoids in it, and notably an angry face moon/meteor looking thing. Didn't realize we'd seen so many pictures. I'd imagine the 4 heads together is about the experiments done in heaven by fusing multiple brains together. They mention something like this when talking about asura. I'm betting the embryo is maru and his sibling. The surrounded person I'm guessing is at the center of angry mob and probably one of the first to become a maneater. No clue about the whales other than possible maneaters to appear in a future episode.

Finally found it in episode 2. Mikura is the name of the woman with the kiru beam initially and she does in fact have the maneater disease and is thus probably one of the children of heaven. Not sure who it could be though, perhaps someone not yet introduced. Oh, or maybe it's the girl that can climb on walls. She does seem like she'd be good at escaping heaven and has a friendly connection with tokio so it would make sense.

I can't think of the last show that had me skimming older episodes to try and piece information together. The more I see of it, the more solidified it becomes for me as best of the season.
agesboy posted...
starting up Demons Roots which is apparently god-tier RPGmaker
Interesting. I might check it out.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
Helly time for you to try an explain this week's Gwitch episode because I don't get it at all.
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
i have to watch it first

i didn't get to the last one until a few days ago

i did just buy a bunch of wfm kits tho
Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition approved by EU regulators
look at my gundams
One one side I think the series would be better if they just cut to the cahse.
On the other side I think they are trying to develop characters for a longer running series.
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
again, not seen today's episode, but

i fuckin knew the schwarzette would be his gundam
Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition approved by EU regulators
look at my gundams
Been watching The Culprit Hanazawa. Like the other Det Conan spinoffs, it's mostly sucked so far. The premise is interesting and some of the lampooning is fun, but it's mostly just a bad comedy with occasional Conan references

And I also got into watching some of those anime/manga recaps on YT, which feels like it beats watching/reading the real thing in many cases.
Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
at the start of chapter 3 of demons roots, about 13 hours in

this game is fucking wild
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
agesboy posted...
at the start of chapter 3 of demons roots, about 13 hours in

this game is fucking wild
I got about half way through chapter 2 yesterday. My only minor issue is the H content is so separate and yet expansive. Feels very tacked on I guess.

One of the better rpgmaker games I've played (last sovereign and daughter of essence are still the top 2 IMO).
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
I just got to the start of chapter 4. It just keeps getting better, holy shit

YoukaiSlayer posted...
My only minor issue is the H content is so separate and yet expansive. Feels very tacked on I guess.
I way prefer it this way honestly, nothing worse than a barrage of h scenes when you just want the plot to move along imo. It's especially nice they keep the darker shit to Bad End Mode because I imagine a lot of people do not wanna see that stuff
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Just watched g witch and damn, they keep it interesting.

It kind of went how I thought it would, but with a totally different cause.

I suspected shaddiq would have a mole inside miorinne's squad and have them attack the earthians to easily secure the presidency and spark greater conflict, but it was actually prospera using aerials ability to take over other machines using the data storm. Meanwhile, we get confirmation that the high council are the ones backing prospera from the beginning allowing her to finance things and set up everything so far. They also intend to supress the benerit group with force. Even I'm a little unsure of what prospera was doing with the cannon and other gundams. It seemed like she was just hacking them to use as drone's and pin this on shaddiq as well but then I don't know why she had the big buster cannon fire. Maybe that was just opening up a hole for them to fly out of or something.

Suletta took this all a bit better than I expected and we have a possibility that eri might not really support prospera's plan. I still suspect the finale will be Eri sacrificing herself to stop prospera and quiet zero and prospera will be fine with that in her dying moments.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
So upon further thought, I think I misinterpreted some of what happened in g witch this week. I think I got it now though.

Prospera made it look like dawn of fold was behind the attack on the peace talks, activated the machines, and then blew them up, making it look as though gund-arm brought an end to the violence that shaddiq's group started (although he might not be found out for it). This will likely give Miorinne the credit for suppressing the terrorists who were backed by the high council which is why they had gundams. I'm still not super sure on the high council part, I might rewatch that bit.

Interestingly I thought that scenario was similar to one in code geass and apparently the same writer may be behind both scenes.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)

okay so once again, on earth, it looks like it's fuckin fine and doing good so unless they actually start showing the world just covered in pollution and filth like they implied, i'm just gonna go ahead and file this under stupidity because otherwise this blatant racism-analog doesn't make sense

suletta is still adorable, chuchus hair net is fantastic

that big guy really should not be leaving, obviously since what happened directly after. but shouldn't he be able to see that? he was only going up an elevator looking right down there. but god damn i got slightly more respect for prospera in the last episode, and i'm unsure how this episode changes that. on one hand, yeah bitch destroy those gundams, but at the same time, y'know, buncha fighting happened after that. i'm really annoyed that the big girl died. the dilanza sol looked fuckin awesome in that one shot tho
Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition approved by EU regulators
look at my gundams
My genre preferences are starting to change.

Discovering haremlit through Kindle Unlimited has caused a whole class of anime to lose its appeal for me. Imagine harem anime, frequently isekai , in which (1) all the characters all of age, (2) sex exists, and (3) protag-kun does something. It is basically published fanfic, and that is all right by me.
-- I Abibde / Samuraiter
Laughing at Game FAQs since 2002.
There's a lot of series I'd like to check out (and some I watched a little bit and then stopped), but I feel like I've been burnt out on action series for a long time now, except for Dragon Ball and Academia. I've heard good things about Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen and several others but I never get around to them.

It's pretty annoying because action series are still the face of anime, so when I'm talking anime with someone they start asking me if I've seen _insert_random_action_anime_ and I just keep saying no.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
keyblader1985 posted...
There's a lot of series I'd like to check out (and some I watched a little bit and then stopped), but I feel like I've been burnt out on action series for a long time now, except for Dragon Ball and Academia. I've heard good things about Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen and several others but I never get around to them.

It's pretty annoying because action series are still the face of anime, so when I'm talking anime with someone they start asking me if I've seen _insert_random_action_anime_ and I just keep saying no.
What have you been watching more of then? Skip and loafer is the top non action anime this season IMO. Yamada level 999 is also good.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
Yo the demon roots boss theme "ground dasher" is too good. Honestly one of the best boss themes of all time IMO. The main guitar riff just goes so hard and gets you so pumped up and the game uses it at the perfect time every time. It's almost a shame it's a turn based rpg because I'd love to actually be smacking bosses in real time to this.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
the chapter 4 battle music is even better imo. not that ground dasher is bad, but holy shit, everything SHADE does is god-tier. SHADE was the guy who did rance music btw, which was a big inspiration on this game

what i think is his magnum opus:

how far you at in the game btw? i forget how early ground dasher plays outside of maybe i think boss music for shinagana ?
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Story wise the last thing I did was take over tolkia.

That seemed like a good time to do a bunch of optional stuff now that I have 3 party members. Doing the EX dungeons so far was easy but damn I just took out fafnir and that shit was close. I feel like if polca was 1 level lower I would have lost (she was 36, Ange 33, Kal 29). Every now and then Ange wouldn't dodge enough and die and polca was always able to take 1 hit just barely and res Ange which usually gave enough tp for aegis storm. Took like 15 buster boosted mission punches and a good 25 minutes of real time. Ange giga OP though. Like, it's hilarious they trash talk her all the time when she is by far the best unit so far and could probably solo everything with the regen head gear. She even does considerable damage too.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
YoukaiSlayer posted...
Ange giga OP though. Like, it's hilarious they trash talk her all the time when she is by far the best unit so far and could probably solo everything with the regen head gear. She even does considerable damage too.
I actually thought she was terrible until I realized her entire kit is designed around being a dodge tank, and then suddenly managing MP became a lot easier. characters end up specializing pretty hard as they level up which is cool
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Yeah, I've got as much dodge stuff as I can on her and the divine dragon head piece from the prologue and the only way she dies was fighting fafnir tanking his super dragon breath or tail but I'm pretty sure I was really underleveled for that. The fact that she can just perma absorb all attacks, even AoE attacks, is incredible. Lets you just ignore everyone elses defense entirely and focus on offense.

Just got my 4th permanent party member and I think I'm about to finish chapter 2, which has been surprisingly long.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
that's around my favorite part of the game hell yeah
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
YoukaiSlayer posted...
What have you been watching more of then? Skip and loafer is the top non action anime this season IMO. Yamada level 999 is also good.
To be honest I haven't been watching much of anything, except rewatching Yu-Gi-Oh now and then. I've been spending a lot of time on games and manga. My manga time has been split between random dramas/romances, and browsing for interesting things for my Imgur account where I do weekly manga posting.

But I've actually been feeling burnt out on action for longer than my anime dry spell. It's hard for me to get into a new series where the main draw is the battles.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
I am kinda burned out of anime right now. Most of my series that aren't My Home Hero are behind at least an episode.
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".

I've been watching this analysis of all the different versions of Fullmetal Alchemist. It's freaking five hours so it goes quite in depth (it's divided into many small chapters/checkpoints though). It highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the manga, 2003 anime, and Brotherhood, and compares the differences between them, including between the manga and Brotherhood. Besides rushing through a lot of content, Brotherhood straight up cuts surprisingly large amount of world and character building from the manga.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
Found an interesting small vtuber and of course their schedule is random, split between Youtube and Twitch (a platform I don't use), and does announcements via Twitter (a platform that I don't use).
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
that's not really their fault you don't use them, and it also doesn't super seem like their schedule is random if they're actively posting announcements

where else are they supposed to do it lmao, youtube community posts? lol
Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition approved by EU regulators
look at my gundams
ConfusedTorchic posted...
youtube community posts
I actually read those by the way.
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
Been feeling sick so haven't played TOO much demons roots but I managed to do the beginning of chapter 3 where you deal with mark 6 and then I saw the ultra beast advent pop up and beat that. Pretty sure I cheesed the hell out of ultra beast gon. After realizing he outhealed my damage by like 10 fold, I decided to try poison and that shit chunks him for 80k. Took 4 poison procs IIRC (maybe 5). Super sludge dagger + 2 forerunner rings let me do it in two attempts with polca as my highest level at 50. That was fun. Also parry is busted. Gave kal the super sexy underwear for 5 tp regen and she can parry every turn making her immune to everything but magic. Gon only had 1 magic attack although it did cause my 1 wipe at which point I geared Ange to tank it better.

I did not expect to see the beginning of chapter 3 though. Hoping my health holds up and I can play a bit more today.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
Beginning of chapter 3 basically blew my mind because I had no idea what was going on half the time; at the start, I was thinking Diana was maybe an old physical form Polca had that she'd forgotten about . And yeah, that's basically the intended way to beat that boss, poison and if you have access bleed. Luck affects status effect chance apparently too btw.
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
agesboy posted...
Luck affects status effect chance apparently too btw.
Yeah thats why I slapped on the 2 forerunner rings. Made the proc chance like 20% per hit or so and super sludge hits twice per turn. Much better than when I tried ange solo with super sludge and no luck boosting equipment. Must have been like 2% chance or something. This things claws are kinda crazy. So much attack AND it double hits. I do notice the accuracy loss compared to karin fist though.

My thoughts at the beginning of chapter 3 were that perhaps this world is future earth and Diana got futuramad into this point. Probably a bit biased towards guessing that because I'm watching kamikatsu this season and I guess working for the demon army from a season or two ago. Seems to not actually be the case here, although I guess it's not impossible from what I've seen so far but the given explanation makes more sense. I'm headed through Orphe now. Sad it didn't let me fight the ultra beasts since I feel so powerful now. Polca's up to level 55 or so.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
Holy shit white album official translation announced

there is no way WA2 isn't coming after this

YoukaiSlayer posted...
Yeah thats why I slapped on the 2 forerunner rings.
those are agi, fortune is luk

YoukaiSlayer posted...
My thoughts at the beginning of chapter 3 were that perhaps this world is
kinda suspected that too for a while, and it'd been in my head as a vague possibility before that
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
agesboy posted...
those are agi, fortune is luk
Ah yeah, thats the one I meant. I had 2 fortune rings on. I don't even have 2 forerunner.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)

This clearly means BokuYaba is anime of the season (despite the fact I am a few episodes behind).
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
Wtf is that list? What kind psychopath puts kamikatsu above heavenly delusion and vinland saga? Like, i enjoy kamikatsu but it's sitting below a 7 on MAL for a reason. Meanwhile heavenly delusion is anime of the season somehow sitting at 6th. I'm giving a pass to hell's paradise and oshi no ko not being there since they didn't air an episode last week.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
I have no idea who curates that list. I see it pop up every once in a while and I frequently find it funny.
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
Been watching Nokemono-tachi no Yoru. Not sure what it is about the show, but it's been a slog to get through and of course it has 13 eps, whereas shows I actually like will be shorter. :(

On the bright side, next anime season starts s2 of Mushoku Tensei, so I'm hyped for that. Gotta wait until next year for more Slime, but at least it's scheduled. Even if it's slow, I'm happy my two favorite isekais are getting more eps produced.

I really want to pick up TotK. Gonna have to go to the store and get some nintendo bucks, so I can buy a voucher and at least get some use out of nso.
Judgmenl posted...
I have no idea who curates that list. I see it pop up every once in a while and I frequently find it funny.
looks like it's fan polls on one website
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Finally reached chapter 4 of demons roots. This game is pretty long. Didn't expect the stuff at the end of chapter 3. Not sure if I should look up what happened in king exit or not.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
I tried to get back into Boruto. They nerfed everyone. I watched the time travel arc. Jariya didn't even go sage mode.
In the long run we are all dead
YoukaiSlayer posted...
Finally reached chapter 4 of demons roots. This game is pretty long. Didn't expect the stuff at the end of chapter 3. Not sure if I should look up what happened in king exit or not.
It's probably interesting enough to look at the premise on the steam page and spot some of the obvious references, you're past anything that would be a surface level spoiler. The translation was terrible MTL, but the actual story was good.
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.

aw YEA
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
Who would have thought the best episode of Gwitch thus far has absolutely zero bullshit from Propspera in it?
Whenever someone sings fansa and they don't input their name instead of mona at the mona-beam part I'm like "Are you even a real aidoru?".
YoukaiSlayer posted...
oh yeah you're also at one of my favorite rpg battle themes of all time. "Change the Beats" is SO FUCKING GOOD

for anyone who has no intention of ever playing an rpgmaker game even if it's god-tier, it's this:

i used to be a motoi sakuraba stan but now i'm full SHADE
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
My god bad end mode was stressful and gross. Got my saviors ring though for "beating" it and then abyss sword for destroying it. Also grinded to 99 in ape land (except mebius). Took like an hour while I listened to music. Also beat the shark. I still think Ground Dasher is the best song, but theres a lot of great ones here. I've got to be close to the end of the game. I think I've done everything optional so far, unless a new dungeon opens up after some more story. Contemplating if I want to fight Ape King like 20 more times to max out meb with tera books.
I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
YoukaiSlayer posted...
My god bad end mode was stressful and gross.
underground prison's the main setting of king exit lmao

i got to like floor 15, died to a mistake, and shelved it for ng+
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
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