I guess I'm going back to work at the hotel again.

Poll of the Day

Hey, this is a job where me and another coworker were forced to do 24-32 hour shifts because the other employees didn't feel like coming in that day. Or they saw the reservations and knew it'd be busy so they'd call out.

It was actually 2 sister hotels at the time(they've since sold one though). So often when someone called out, they'd close the smaller one's lobby and make us check them in at the other hotel before sending them back to the 1st. Know what that means? When they saw we had 100 reservations at each hotel, they'd skip it, and I'd get saddled dealing with 200. For someone with social anxiety, that was a nightmare.

On top of that, the guests would take frustrations out on me, alongside management being idiotic, and abusive coworkers.

That was actually my SECOND time walking out of that job. First time was due to being setup by management for theft, but I caught onto it and talked it over with a coworker. We swapped shifts and they were framed for theft which resulted in both of us leaving.

They asked me back because I'm the only employee they've had in recent years that worked my scheduled hours. That didn't cause problems for everyone else. Who could deal with problematic guests without cussing at them. Could properly do my job and everything that was asked if me.

But yes, after years and years of being overworked, used, mistreated, manipulated and cussed at all day everyday, on top of a crappy life at home, it was too much on me and I left. But I was told that I was the model employee and the best worker they had, despite the problems I was well liked by coworkers and repeat guests. My manager said that if he could have me as the only employee that he would. So I think that speaks for itself.

Besides, I don't want to go back, but I am because it'll help them out and I could use the money. But if things start going south again, like getting stuck for 3-4 unscheduled shifts I'm not going to stick with it any more. My health isn't worth risking just to give a couple of other employees a 3 day weekend.
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCVle285bEgZ_D9otGewQwmw ^ My YouTube.