Nice man! 274th times the charm!lmao damn dude
Nice man! 274th times the charm!I thought you only used that line in my crush topics, not sure how its relevant here
I thought you only used that line in my crush topics, not sure how its relevant here
How long before this goes from "Roommates" to "Crush"?It won't for a few reasons, the main one being that I fall for girls fast and hard not months after we become friends
It won't for a few reasons, the main one being that I fall for girls fast and hard not months after we become friends
I originally planned on saving up a lot and moving out on my own next year at some point but I was hanging out with a coworker today and she wants to move out and be roommates so we're gonna start looking at places sometime later this week or next week. I have the money to move out with a roommate so that's not a problem.
Feels good to finally be making plans to move out, I've tried in the past and well shit happened that set me back so it never ended up being financially viable until recently.
It won't for a few reasons, the main one being that I fall for girls fast and hard not months after we become friends
3 months then.Yeah no, I'm interested in someone else
How long have you known this person?Like 3-4 months