Why are so many gamers morons?

Poll of the Day

adjl posted...
Because they don't want to wait and ultimately don't really care about having to log into a different account to play their games. I really don't like Epic's approach to exclusivity (that is, throwing around money to buy timed exclusives to make their platform seem more appealing instead of trying to provide a service that competes more legitimately), but exclusivity to one digital storefront over the other isn't nearly as bad as exclusivity is on consoles, where there's a cost of several hundred dollars to access the exclusive content. Here, it's just an account, which is a relatively minor annoyance.

Me, I'm fine with waiting for Steam releases and I'm content to just enjoy the trickle of free games Epic hands out, rather than giving them any money. If they manage to put together a service that's actually better than Steam, I might start buying games there instead, but until then, I don't plan on rewarding their strategy. The free games are worth the effort of remembering an extra password, but that's about it.

Don't forget that if Epic manages to steal enough users to their store, Valve might have to start making games again. That's a huge plus, since Valve makes some of the best games out there.
People come up to me... concerned.. that I'll reproduce." - Emo Philips