Samurai Warriors 5 is *insanely* fun

Poll of the Day

Yep. Huge musou fan and I consider DW3 and SW2 to be the pinnacle of the series.

SW5 I feel is a pretty big leap in terms of gameplay with a small amount of changes that are surprisingly not that drastic. Everything feels balanced well for the first time in a long time.

The enemies don't just stand there and the artificial difficulty has taken a bit of a back seat. It's still there to an extent, but OHKOs being the only genuine threat are a thing of the past. In fact, there's hardly any OHKOs in the game unless your character is severely underleveled in regards to the difficulty you're playing on, much like in past games. Enemies are more aggressive and are constant threats to your health again.

I wouldn't put it on par with the best of the genre like DW3, SW2, and WO3U, but it's solidly in the upper half of the franchise and more importantly, gives me a positive outlook for future SW games. I haven't felt good about new Warriors games in a long, long time. Except for new release hype. I always fall victim to that.

Heck, I was actually pretty down on the game until release because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what Koei's marketing strategy was. Cut characters, low amount of movesets(and I'm more lenient on clones than most fans), redesigns(which I've grown to like).... But hey, NEW ARTSTYLE!!!

And yet, I'm completely happy with my purchase despite it being influenced by my penchant to impulse buy games from this series.

As for Warriors Orochi 4, it's basically WAS with the DW and SW cast. And the Ultimate upgrade was a complete ripoff. Considering what Ultimate did for the previous game, what we got this time around is a joke.
Hail Hydra