Help convince me to not quit my job.

Poll of the Day

That sounds like hell for your mental health.

I can feel really shit on my job sometimes when I don't have anything meaningful to do or when I feel lonely at work.
I mean, I don't have any bad coworkers, they're all either nice or indifferent towards me.
But more often than I'd like, I don't have anything to do I end up just wandering around.
And when I don't have anything to do, I'm not distracted from my depressive thoughts and I get feel really bad.
I start to hate myself and I think how much people must be annoyed by my presence.

I see how everyone is busy working their asses off and I'm just walking around doing absolutely nothing of value.

I feel worthless. It feels like no one needs me.

My boss knows I have a Aspergers diagnosis and he allows me to chill for a while when I don't have anything else to do.
Now that's awesome. That's how you treat your employees and especially if they have a diagnosis and have certain needs.

Even though how shitty I can feel, I'd still prefer having a job and feel bad or stay at home and still feel bad because I'm not doing anything with my life.

You can still look for other jobs while you're still on your current job. That's what I probably would've done.

Sorry for my long and incoherent post.