*gasping for air* I am out of shape.

Poll of the Day

SpeedDemon20 posted...
Yes! But I don't really know what to do.
Don't know what to do as in you don't know what workouts to do?
JigsawTDC posted...
I should probably join you, because I need to get back to working out and being healthier myself. But I already know I'm not currently in the right state to actually commit. Godspeed though!
Well what state are you in if not the right state!?
adjl posted...
I feel it. I stopped biking regularly back in like March when my school shut down (when I wasn't exactly biking a lot anyway, because winter, but I at least was walking instead), plus I went off my asthma meds for a while due to not havign a doctor to renew the prescription (and now my school insurance is gone so I'm off them again until I can afford them more comfortably), so trying to bike anywhere now is pretty rough. That's compounded by working from home, so I don't even have a regular commute to whip me into shape. It's hard to find the motivation to go out for a quick ride just for the sake of rebuilding my stamina, particularly where going anywhere interesting is pushing my current capabilities.
Yeah I was much more active prior to the pandemic. I was at my best when I was 25 which was 6 years ago. That's what I really want to get back to. I never was one for cardio, but I want to start implementing more of that into my routine now.