People are TERRIFIED because this Massachusetts DOG has a HUMAN FACE!! Does it?

Poll of the Day

Do you think this dog has a "human" looking face?

A Picture of a Massachusetts Dog that has a "MAN'S FACE" has gone viral and it's TERRIFYING people!!

Yogi, who belongs to Chantal Desjardins has become an internet star after a picture of him was shared on Reddit by a friend of an owner as people were astonished and frightened by it...It has an u unusually large eye with human like mouth and was convinced it was a "brown eyed, bearded man" trapped inside!!

It prompted comparisons to Jake Gyllenhaal and Ed Sheeran

Chantal INSISTS that it isn't photoshopped or airbrushed and said "My friends were freaking out, the photos are not photoshopped at all"

Do you think this Dog has a "human face"? let's see what people think.

Yogi -
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